Creating Analysis Models

Each analysis model is based on a model configuration, which is a description of the data to be used to build the model. A model configuration specifies:

  • A data source for building the analysis model. Typically the data source is the Data Warehouse because it contains vast amounts of user data. However, you can use an external database to build an analysis model.
  • Attributes for the model. An attribute identifies which columns of user data (represented in a table) should be included in the model. An attribute might include user profile data, purchase history, or click history.

As soon as you have collected data, you can use the model configurations to build analysis models. To build an analysis model, the system administrator uses the Predictor resource in Commerce Server Manager. Models are not built on the Web server, so the building process does not impact the performance of your site.

After the model is built, the system administrator can move a copy of the model to each of your Web servers (all Web servers use the same model), and then enable predictive capabilities on your site. You can view the Prediction model or the Segment model to analyze the patterns of the users visiting your site.

After you have gathered a significant amount of new data, your system administrator should rebuild your analysis models. You build analysis model configurations infrequently, however, only when you change what you are trying to predict or analyze.

See Also

Predictor Schema

Running the Predictor Resource

Analyzing Population Segments

Programmer's Reference

Targeting and Personalization Concepts

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