Creating and Scheduling a Multi-task Package

  • This topic contains procedures describing how to create a single, reusable SQL Server DTS package that contains all of the tasks necessary to import data into the Data Warehouse. Additionally, the package will contain workflow instructions so that the tasks run in the correct order. The package will be stored for reuse, and scheduled to run automatically.

You can use the Data Warehouse resource to create packages containing the following:

  • DTS tasks
  • Workflow instructions

After you create a package that contains DTS tasks and workflow instructions, you can store the package and reuse it. You can run a stored package manually or schedule it to be run automatically.

This example makes the following assumptions:

  • Data will be imported for a single site in the Data Warehouse.
  • You have previously imported each type of the data for the site into the Data Warehouse.

This section contains:

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