PredictorDataTables Table

This table serves as an index to the source data tables and the attributes tables. For each model configuration, there must be at least one Dense (Type 0) or Sparse (Type 1) source data table. If there is no Attributes (Type 2) table, then one will be created the first time you build the model. Only one Dense table is allowed, but there can be multiple Sparse tables. If there is one dense table, then every item in this table defines a case. If a configuration contains only sparse tables, the table first mentioned is used to define the items in the case. If you use multiple entries (tables) for a model configuration, the case column values in all of the source tables must match (even though the column name of the case column may vary). Columns in sparse tables that are not one of the defined columns in the entry for that table are not included in the analysis. A single Attributes (Type 2) table is optional. A blank attributes table is created if one is not specified.

Each data table should reference one or more properties. A property is some distinction about the world (for example, age, income, whether a particular product was purchased or not, and so on). These properties correspond to the columns in a Dense table and to entries in the PivotColumn in Sparse tables. Any given property should be referenced in only one table.

Column Name Type Description Required?
ModelCfgName DBTYPE_WSTR Model configuration name (foreign key to the PredictorModelCfgs table). Yes
TableName DBTYPE_WSTR Table name. Yes
Type DBTYPE_UI2 Type of table:
  • 0 = Dense (1 row per user, such as for demographic information)
  • 1 = Sparse (1 row per transaction, such as for product purchases)
  • 2 = Attributes
AggregateColumn DBTYPE_WSTR Column on which the PivotColumn is aggregated.

For example, QTY if the QTY column represents the quantity of each SKU purchased.

Yes, if Type = Sparse.

Otherwise should be NULL.

AggregateOperation DBTYPE_UI2 Valid values are:
  • 0 = SUM
  • 1 = MAX
  • 2 = MIN
  • 3 = AVG
  • 4 = COUNT
Yes, if Type = Sparse.

Otherwise should be NULL.

CaseColumn DBTYPE_WSTR Column in TableName where the case ID (usually UserID) is stored. Yes, if Type = Dense or Sparse.

Otherwise should be "N/A".

PivotColumn DBTYPE_WSTR Column in TableName that specifies the transactional property to pivot.

For example, SKU if the SKU column contains the products a user purchased.

Yes, if Type = Sparse.

Otherwise should be NULL.

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