Primary Business Categories

This topic describes the division of the logical schema into primary business categories. Each category contains a group of related classes used for a common business purpose. Some classes serve in more than one category.

The diagrams depicting the business categories show how the classes relate to one another through parent-child associations, or relations. Arrows connecting the classes denote these class relations. The arrows point from the parent classes to the child classes. A solid black arrow denotes a one-to-many relation. A white arrow indicates a one-to-many with inheritence relation. For more information about relations, see Relations.

The classes are colored to match the Data Warehouse Schema Diagram poster included with the product. Uncolored classes are not typically considered part of the business category they are shown in. These classes show some of the connections between the category and other related classes in the schema.

This section contains:

  • Campaigns. Describes the classes involved in marketing operations.

  • Catalog. Describes the catalog classes.

  • Transactions. Describes the basket and purchase order classes involved in making an online transaction.

  • Profile Management. Describes the classes used for managing user profiles.

  • Web Log Import. Describes the classes involved with recording Web events.

  • Web Topology. Describes the classes that define Web structure and access.

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