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MigrationWriteObj Object

Use the MigrationWriteObj object to write the values for each attribute to the Commerce Server Profile data store.


The MigrationWriteObj object supports the following interface:

interface IMigrationWrite::IUnknown
    HRESULT Initialize([in] long numBuffers,
                       [in] long numProfiles,
                       [in] size_is(numProfiles)] PROFILE Profiles[],
                       IUnknown * pIMigrationLog);

    HRESULT WriteUserAttributes([in] BSTR bstrKeyName,
                                [in] long lProfile_id,
                                [in] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT)*
                                [in] VARIANT *varValueIndex,
                                [in] VARIANT *vMemberOfs);

    HRESULT ShutDown();


The following table shows the methods of the MigrationWriteObj object, and provides a description for each.

Method Description
Initialize Accepts an array of structs containing all the attributes for each profile ID. This method uses this data to determine what attributes to write for a particular key based on the profile ID.
WriteUserAttributes Called for each migration that needs to take place. This method uses the profile ID to identify the attributes that are associated with the key and writes these from the array into the Commerce Server Profile data store.
Shutdown The MigrationProfile object calls the Shutdown method, which is used to free the created connection pools.

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