
The EditSheet HTML component (HTC) provides the bulk of the functionality required on an edit page. It can display an editable form in a pre-formatted table, with fields displayed according to their order in the configuration data. The editable form can also be displayed according to a template of free-form Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language (DHTML). The EditSheet HTC also enables sophisticated control of each field.

Data is passed to the EditSheet HTC in the form of Extensible Markup Language (XML) data-islands. This includes the configuration data that provides, for example, the display names for data fields. It also includes the data itself, contained in a different XML data-island. Configuration data varies from HTC to HTC, depending on the specific characteristics of each type of HTC. In contrast, the data itself is essentially always the same — one or more records, each containing individual fields of data. Because of this, most of the HTCs, including the EditSheet HTC, accept data in the same generalized format. For more information about this data format, see Getting Data to the Client.

In the EditSheet HTC, a single record is manipulated, displayed as one field per row in a pre-formatted table, or freely formatted when using a template.

This section contains:

  • Events. Describes the events supported by the EditSheet HTC.

  • Properties. Describes the properties supported by the EditSheet HTC.

  • Methods. Describes the methods supported by the EditSheet HTC.

  • Container Attributes. Describes the attributes that the EditSheet HTC expects to be set on the element in which it is contained.

  • Configuration Data. Describes the data passed to the EditSheet HTC via the ID used as the value of the MetaXML container attribute.

  • Instantiation Example. Demonstrates how the EditSheet HTC is instantiated in script on an Active Server Pages (ASP) page.

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