InsertTaskBar (server-side)

Use this routine to insert the configured taskbar and display the page in list mode, that is, with the module navigation frame visible to the left of the action page frame.






A string containing the text to be displayed in the title bar at the top of the action page frame.


A string containing the text to be initially displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the action page frame.

Return Value



The title bar and status bar are displayed in the color blue, indicating that Commerce Server Business Desk is in list mode, from which no modification of data values can occur.

It is common for an action page to overwrite the initial status text using the routine SetStatusText.

This routine should be invoked immediately after the opening BODY element in the action page.

This routine is available in the include file ActionPageUtil.asp.

See Also

Server-Side Routines

InsertEditTaskBar (server-side)

Client-Side Routines

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