htmRenderStepSearchPageContent - Solution Sites Routine

This function renders the results of a step search.


Function htmRenderStepSearchPageContent (
  byRef oCatalog,
  byRef rsFields,
  byRef rsResults,


  • sCategoryName
    A string containing the category name, passed through to the functions RenderText and ShowRefinedSearch.
  • sCatalogName
    A string containing the catalog name, passed through to the function ShowRefinedSearch.
  • oCatalog
    A reference to a ProductCatalog object, passed through to the function ShowSearchMatches.
  • bViewResults
    A Boolean indicating whether to view the search matches (True) or the refined search (False).
  • rsFields
    A reference to a Recordset object containing the searchable fields, passed through to the function ShowRefinedSearch.
  • rsResults
    A reference to a Recordset object containing the search results, passed through to the function ShowSearchMatches.
  • sSearchHandle
    A string containing the search handle.
  • iMatchesFound
    An integer that specifies the number of matches found, passed through to the functions ShowRefinedSearch and ShowSearchMatches.
  • iConstraintFieldsCount
    An integer that specifies the number of constraint fields, passed through to the function ShowRefinedSearch.
  • iNonConstraintFieldsCount
    An integer that specifies the number of non-constraint fields, passed through to the function ShowRefinedSearch.
  • arr1
    An array of non-constraining searchable properties, passed through to the function ShowRefinedSearch.
  • arr2
    An array of constraining searchable properties, passed through to the function ShowRefinedSearch.
  • bNoValues
    A boolean indicating whether there are no values, passed through to the function ShowRefinedSearch.
  • bClosestMatches
    A boolean indicating whether to search for closest matches.

Return Value

A string containing the HTML representation of the step search.

Defined in File


Routines Called




Called By

Main (stepsrch.asp)

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