
The customizable style sheet file Navtree.css defines the styles used within the navigation pane of Commerce Server Business Desk. There are element styles and class styles. Element styles are those that apply to an element regardless of any class or id attribute settings on that element. Class styles are those that apply to one or more element types only if the class attribute has the particular value that is indicated. Often, the situations in which the styles apply are restricted according to some characteristic of a parent or grandparent element.

The remainder of this topic provides further detail about each of these style categories.

Element Styles

.bdcategory NOBR

Defines style characteristics used when rendering text without line breaks in the category level of the navigation pane.


Defines base style characteristics used when rendering the contents of the body element in the navigation pane.

.categoryhighlight NOBR

Defines style characteristics used when rendering text without line breaks in a highlighted category level entry in the navigation pane.

.categoryhighlight NOBR SPAN

Defines style characteristics used when rendering a span within text without line breaks in a highlighted category level entry in the navigation pane.

DIV.bdcs4 A

Defines style characteristics used when rendering the anchor tag with the link to in the navigation pane.

DIV.bdmenu UL

Defines style characteristics used when rendering category-level unordered list elements within the navigation tree.

DIV.bdmenu UL DIV

Defines style characteristics used when rendering DIV elements within the first-level unordered list elements within the navigation tree.

DIV.bdmenu UL UL

Defines style characteristics used when rendering module-level unordered list elements within the navigation tree.

DIV.bdmenu UL UL DIV

Defines style characteristics used when rendering DIV elements within the module-level unordered list elements within the navigation tree.

.expanded NOBR

Defines style characteristics used when rendering text without line breaks within an expanded category in the navigation tree.


Defines base style characteristics used when rendering any HTML in the navigation pane.

Class Styles


Defines style characteristics applied to debug text when debugging is enabled by setting the global variable SHOW_DEBUG_TEXT to True in the file Global.asa.


Defines style characteristics used when rendering a module entry in the navigation pane.


Defines style characteristics used when rendering a selected category in the navigation pane.

.collapsed SPAN.bdcollapseicon

Defines style characteristics used when rendering the collapsed icon when a category is collapsed in the navigation pane.

.collapsed SPAN.bdexpandicon

Defines style characteristics used to suppress rendering of the expanded icon when a category is collapsed in the navigation pane.

.collapsed UL.bdmodulelist

Defines style characteristics used to suppress rendering of the corresponding modules when a category is collapsed in the navigation pane.


Defines style characteristics used when rendering the footer area in the navigation pane, which contains the link to


Defines style characteristics used when rendering the logo area in the navigation pane, which contains the link to the About dialog box.


Defines style characteristics used when rendering the DIV element that contains the entire navigation tree in the navigation pane.


Defines style characteristics used when rendering the scrollable window that contains the entire navigation tree.


Defines style characteristics used when rendering an expanded category in the navigation pane.

.expanded SPAN.bdcollapseicon

Defines style characteristics used to suppress rendering of the collapsed icon when a category is expanded in the navigation pane.

.expanded SPAN.bdexpandicon

Defines style characteristics used when rendering the expanded icon when a category is expanded in the navigation pane.

.expanded UL.bdmodulelist

Defines style characteristics used when rendering the corresponding modules when a category is expanded in the navigation pane.


Defines style characteristics used when rendering a module that has been highlighted in the navigation pane.


Defines style characteristics used when rendering a module that has been selected in the navigation pane.


Defines style characteristics used when rendering a scroll button at the top or bottom of the navigation pane.

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