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Translating the Catalog Content

To translate the catalog content, where Language=<target>, the translators should translate the corresponding Value, displayName, and PropertyValue. Note that the multiple choice values in the catalog content must be translated exactly the same way as they are in the catalog definition.

To translate catalog content

  1. Verify that the product and category properties you want to translate are multilingual property definitions. Your site developer can convert properties to multilingual properties programmatically.

    For more information, see Creating a Multilingual Catalog.

  2. Export the XML catalog file in the language you want to translate from.

  3. Edit the XML output file to change the languages attribute for <Catalog name> to include the target language.

    For example, the following <Catalog name> tag shows en-US as the language for the catalog:

    <Catalog name="Adventure Works Catalog" startDate="2001-02-22"
    endDate="2001-05-22" variantUID="VariantCode"
    productUID="ProductCode" currency="USD" weight_measuring_unit="lbs"
    DateChanged="2001-03-07T15:07:33" DefaultLanguage="en-US"
    ReportingLanguage="en-US" languages="en-US">

    To prepare the file for translation to French, you would add fr-FR to the languages attribute, as shown in the following example:

    <Catalog name="Adventure Works Catalog" startDate="2001-02-22"
    endDate="2001-05-22" variantUID="VariantCode"
    productUID="ProductCode" currency="USD" weight_measuring_unit="lbs"
    DateChanged="2001-03-07T15:07:33" DefaultLanguage="en-US"
    ReportingLanguage="en-US" languages="en-US,fr-FR">

  4. To identify for the translators what text they should translate in the remaining catalog data section, replace Language="<base>" with Language="<target>". Do this only for content that appears after the first <Catalog name> tag.

    For example, if you are translating English content into French, you would change language="en-US" to language="fr-FR", as shown in the following example:

    Before changing the language attribute, it looks like this:

    <DisplayName Value="Adventure Works Catalog" Language="en-US" />
    <Description Value="Catalog Section for Sleeping Bags" Language="en-US" />

    After changing the language attribute, it looks like this:

    <DisplayName Value="Adventure Works Catalog" Language="fr-FR" />
    <Description Value="Catalog Section for Sleeping Bags" Language="fr-FR" />

  5. Send the XML catalog file to the translator.

  6. In the catalog XML file, where Language=<target>, the translators should translate the corresponding Value attribute.

    The following is an example of the Boots category of the AdvWorksCatalog.xml file as it appears in English:

    <Category name="Boots" isSearchable="1" Definition="AdvWorkCatDef"
    Image_height="120" Image_width="120"
    <Description Value="Catalog Section for Boots" Language="en-US" />
    <DisplayName Value="Boots" Language="en-US" />

    After it has been translated into French, this section looks like this:

    <Category name="Boots" isSearchable="1" Definition="AdvWorkCatDef"
    Image_height="120" Image_width="120"
    <Description Value="Section Chaussures de randonnée du catalogue"
    Language="fr-FR" />
    <DisplayName Value="Chaussures de randonnée" Language="fr-FR" />

  7. When the translators send you the translated catalog, verify that the catalog name (as opposed to the displayName) was not translated, and the other content was translated. When you import the translated catalog, the catalog name must match what is already in your catalog database.

  8. Before importing the XML catalog file, validate the contents. On the Import XML Catalog dialog box, select Validate XML file (do not import).

  9. After the XML catalog file has been validated with no errors, import the file to add the new language content to the existing catalog in the database.

    On the Import XML Catalog dialog box, do not select Delete existing data in this catalog. If you do, the existing catalog data in the catalog database will be deleted, and only data in the target language will be stored.

See Also

Translating the Catalog Definition

Translating a Catalog with Business Desk

Creating a Multilingual Catalog

Adding a Language to a Catalog

Importing an XML Catalog File

Exporting a Catalog

Exporting a CSV Catalog File to Excel

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