Auction Object [C++]

Use this object to provide auction capabilities to a site. This object enables a site to auction products, accept bids, and determine winners, using rules ranging from simple to sophisticated. Users can set reserve prices, minimum bids, start and end dates, bid increments, and resolve bid conflicts. Users can also notify auction participants of important news via DHTML, HTML, or e-mail at any interval.

The source code for this component is provided in the Commerce Server 2002 Software Development Kit. For more information about the auction component and the auction sitelet, see Auction Samples.

ProgID:   Commerce.Auction (Externally creatable)
COM Class Name:   Auction
COM Interface Name:   _Auction
Interface ID Constant:   None
Header File:   None
Type Library Name:   Commerce Server 4.0 Auction Component
DLL Name:   auction.dll
Threading Model:   Apartment


In C++, use the _Auction interface to access the properties and methods of the Auction object.

Because this object is primarily intended for use within ASP script, access from C++ will not be common.



Method Description
AuctionAddBid Adds or updates a bid on an auction.
AuctionAddItem Adds a new auction item to the Auction database.
AuctionBidNormalize Normalizes a bid to the bid increment amount.
AuctionDeleteBid Deletes a bid in an auction.
AuctionDeleteBids Deletes all bids in a particular auction.
AuctionDeleteItem Deletes an item and all bids on the item in a particular auction.
AuctionGetBid Returns a rowset containing a bid from a specific user for a specific auction item.
AuctionGetBids Returns a rowset containing all bids for an auction item.
AuctionGetItem Returns a rowset for the item up for auction.
AuctionGetStatus Returns a Dictionary object containing rowsets for the item up for auction.
AuctionInit Initializes the Auction object.
AuctionRandomBids Adds random bids to an auction to aid testing.
AuctionResolve Resolves the auction based on the current settings and rules.
AuctionUpdateItem Updates an auction item in the Auction database.

[Visual Basic]

Method Description
AuctionAddBid Adds or updates a bid on an auction.
AuctionAddItem Adds a new auction item to the Auction database.
AuctionBidNormalize Normalizes a bid to the bid increment amount.
AuctionDeleteBid Deletes a bid in an auction.
AuctionDeleteBids Deletes all bids in a particular auction.
AuctionDeleteItem Deletes an item and all bids on the item in a particular auction.
AuctionGetBid Returns a rowset containing a bid from a specific user for a specific auction item.
AuctionGetBids Returns a rowset containing all bids for an auction item.
AuctionGetItem Returns a rowset for the item up for auction.
AuctionGetStatus Returns a Dictionary object containing rowsets for the item up for auction.
AuctionInit Initializes the Auction object.
AuctionRandomBids Adds random bids to an auction to aid testing.
AuctionResolve Resolves the auction based on the current settings and rules.
AuctionUpdateItem Updates an auction item in the Auction database.



Property Type Description
AuctionID BSTR Stores the auction ID globally unique identifier (GUID).

This property is read-only.

dtAMT DATE Stores the date/time stamp used by the auction engine.

This property is read/write.

objMessageManager IDispatch Stores the MessageManager object used to generate error messages.

This property is read/write.

szBidOrderBy BSTR Stores the sort string used to resolve ties.

This property is read/write.

szBidTableName BSTR Stores the name of the Bid table in the database.

This property is read/write.

szDSN BSTR Stores the connection string for the database.

This property is read/write.

szItemTableName BSTR Stores the name of the Item table in the database.

This property is read/write.

[Visual Basic]

Property Type Description
AuctionID String Stores the auction ID globally unique identifier (GUID).

This property is read-only.

dtAMT Date Stores the date/time stamp used by the auction engine.

This property is read/write.

objMessageManager Object Stores the MessageManager object used to generate error messages.

This property is read/write.

szBidOrderBy String Stores the sort string used to resolve ties.

This property is read/write.

szBidTableName String Stores the name of the Bid table in the database.

This property is read/write.

szDSN String Stores the connection string for the database.

This property is read/write.

szItemTableName String Stores the name of the Item table in the database.

This property is read/write.


The Auction object depends on the presence of the Item and Bid tables, stored in the site database, and a MessageManager object to hold the error messages. The tables must be created before using the Auction object for the first time. The MessageManager object must be properly initialized for the Auction object to pass error messages back to the user.

See Also

Auction Samples

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