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CompositeHeader2 Control

Composite header control, used for grouping controls.

Web User Control CompositeHeader2.ascx

Inherits Microsoft.CommerceServer.Site.Miscellaneous.CompositeHeader2

Codebehind CompositeHeader2.ascx.vb
Project File Miscellaneous\Miscellaneous Controls.vbproj
Namespace Microsoft.CommerceServer.Site.Miscellaneous
DLL / Assembly Microsoft.CommerceServer.Retail2002.Miscellaneous.dll

This control has the following property:

Property Description
SignInLinkVisible (Boolean) Controls whether or not the sign in/out link is visible on the green-blue row, which is part of this header.

Where used

Intended to be used in pages without navigation tabs, such as the account management module pages.


This is a composite header control that encapsulates the company logo, the banner ad, the top links controls, and the green-blue row beneath.

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