CatalogContext.GetCatalogs (String, String) Method (BCL)

Use this method to search for catalogs using a TSQL query. All properties of all matching records are returned.

[Visual Basic .NET]

Overridable Public Function GetCatalogs( _ByValsearchClause As System.String, _
  ByVallanguage As System.String _
) As System.Data.DataSet


public virtual System.Data.DataSet GetCatalogs(System.StringsearchClause,


[Visual Basic .NET]

  • searchClause
    The search clause.
  • language
    The language, specified as a RFC 1766 CultureInfo class name. If null, it defaults to the current user interface culture.


  • searchClause
    The search clause.
  • language
    The language, specified as a RFC 1766 CultureInfo class name. If null, it defaults to the current user interface culture.

Return Value

A DataSet with a single DataTable containing the properties of catalogs that matched the query.


Throws a CatalogException on failure.

See the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK documentation for more information about the CultureInfo class.

If the language parameter is not specified, the CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture value is used.


Namespace: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Catalog

Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003

Assembly: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.dll

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