
Intrinsics are time and date properties that are evaluated on the server. They are specified in the ID attribute of the Property element. The following table lists the available intrinsics, what they resolve to, and the data types they are evaluated against.

Name Resolves to Type/SubType
eee.currDate date date 
eee.currTime time time
eee.currDayOfWeek 0 - Sunday
1 - Monday
2 - Tuesday
3 - Wednesday
and so on
eee.currMonth 1 - January
2 - February
3 - March
and so on
eee.currYear number number
eee.yesterday date date
eee.lastWeek date date
eee.lastMonth Same as eee.currMonth siteterm/CalendarSiteTerms.Months

Internally, dates and times are handled in variant time format. For more information about the variant time format, see MSDN.

Intrinsic Examples

The following example tests whether the current day of the week is Wednesday:

      <CLAUSE OPER="equal">
         <PROPERTY ID="eee.currDayOfWeek" TYPE="siteterm" />
         <IMMED-VAL TYPE="siteterm" SUBTYPE="CalendarSiteTerms.Days">

The following example tests whether 10/1/2000 is a date in the previous week (last 7 days):

      <CLAUSE OPER="on-or-before">
         <PROPERTY ID="eee.lastWeek" TYPE="date" />
         <IMMED-VAL TYPE="date">10/1/2000</IMMED-VAL>

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