Targeting Samples

The Microsoft Commerce Server 2002 Software Development Kit (SDK) contains the following targeting samples:

Location in SDK: SDK\Samples\Targeting\dbscripts

The files in this sample provide SQL scripts that can be used to remove different categories of tables and related objects, as follows:

  • campaigns-drop.sql: Removes all tables and related objects for the Campaigns resource.
  • expression-store-drop.sql: Removes all tables and related objects for an Expression store, which is normally in the same database as the Profile store.
  • listmanager-drop.sql: Removes all tables and related objects in a List Manager database, which is normally in the same database used by the Campaigns resource.

Targeting Debugging Samples

Location in SDK: SDK\Samples\Targeting\Debug

The files in this sample provide a set of Active Server Pages (ASP) that you can include in your ASP files to dump the contents of a Content Selection Framework (CSF) cache, and to trace the scoring logic applied for any given content request. The CSF Score Headlines sample demonstrates how to use these debugging utilities.

The ASP files in this directory are DumpContentList.asp and TraceScores.asp.

Headline Targeting Sample

Location in SDK: SDK\Samples\Targeting\Headlines

The files in this sample demonstrate how to extend the Targeting System using custom Content Selection Framework (CSF) Cache Loading and Scoring components. This sample shows how to target headlines to users of your site based on the age of the headline and what headlines have been seen the most. It demonstrates integration with the Targeting System using both Microsoft Visual C++ and Microsoft Visual Basic.

For more information about creating the sample, see Creating the CSF Headlines Sample or the Readme.txt file in the Headlines folder.

See Also

Targeting Programming Concepts

Extending the Content Selection Framework

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