Reports: Buyer Browse to Purchase report error

If you run the Buyer Browse to Purchase report and an error message appears, it may be that Profiles System cookies are turned off. As a result, no registered user data is imported into the Data Warehouse and no registered user data is added to the BuyerVisits cube. No registered user data is available for the Buyer Browse to Purchase report.


You can resolve this in one of three ways:

  1. Enable Profiles System cookies, import user data into the Data Warehouse, and then run the Report preparation DTS task. Run the Buyer Browse to Purchase report again.

  2. Add custom static reports that report on buyer activity by registered user for anonymous registered users. Anonymous registered users have a null value for the Logon_Name in the dbo.RegisteredUser table. Run this report instead of the Buyer Browse to Purchase report.

  3. Delete the RegisteredUser shared dimension from the Basket and Web Usage cubes. You can add the RegisteredUser shared dimension back after Profiling System cookies are again enabled. Run the Buyer Browse to Purchase report again. The report will not display registered user data.

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