
The following table lists and describes the classes contained in the Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop namespace.

Class Description
AuthManager Performs user identification and authentication, and manages user security information.
DataFunctions Perform locale-based formatting, parsing, and value range checking in a site.
DictionaryXMLTransforms Apartment-threaded object that transforms data in a Dictionary object into Extensible Markup Language (XML), and XML data into a Dictionary object.
DictionaryXMLTransformsFreeThreaded Free-threaded object that transforms data in a Dictionary object into Extensible Markup Language (XML), and XML data into a Dictionary object in a free threaded environment.
MessageManager Stores text strings in multiple languages. One usage involves the Order Processing pipeline (OPP) components describing error conditions generated during order form processing.
MtsPipeline Runs a non-transacted Microsoft Commerce Server 2002 pipeline.
MtsTxPipeline Runs a transacted Microsoft Commerce Server 2002 pipeline.
OrderPipeline Runs a Microsoft Commerce Server 2002 pipeline, and is particularly useful in the Content Selection Framework.
PooledPipeline Runs a non-transacted Microsoft Commerce Server 2002 pipeline that uses COM+ object pooling for better performance.
PooledTxPipeline Runs a transacted Microsoft Commerce Server 2002 pipeline that uses COM+ object pooling for better performance.

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