AddCDATANode (server-side)

Use this routine to add a CDATA type item node to a global XML document, setting the name attribute and element data to the values passed.






A string containing the name of the item.


A string containing the value of the item.

Return Value



The new item will be added to the XML document retrieved from the documentElement property of the DOMDocument object referenced by the global variable g_xmlReturn.

The string version of the added element has the following form:

<item name="sName"><![CDATA[sValue]]></item>

This routine is available in the include file HTTPXMLUtil.asp.

There is a functionally equivalent version of this routine defined for client-side use in the file HTTPXMLUtil.htm. Note that this other routine does not add the CDATA node to a globally accessible XML document, but instead is passed an xmlDoc parameter that references the XML document to which the node will be added.

See Also

Server-Side Routines

AddErrorNode (server-side)

AddItemNode (server-side)

AddWarningNode (server-side)

xmlGetXMLDOMDoc (server-side)

Client-Side Routines

AddCDATANode (client-side)

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