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Content Pane Styles

The customizable style sheet file (CSS), Bizdesk.css, indirectly defines the styles used within the content pane of Commerce Server Business Desk. It imports a file, bizdesk_css.asp, that contains a small amount of code that redirects to one of several other CSS files that define the actual styles used in the content pane. These latter files have names of the form "*_bizdesk.css". Two such files are included in Commerce Server 2002: default_bizdesk.css and hicont_bizdesk.css. The former defines the default content pane styles and the latter defines high contrast versions of the content panes styles that improve accessibility. New themes are created by creating additional files that conform to the naming scheme and that define the contained styles differently.

The content pane styles can be divided into two broad categories. First, those styles that apply directly to the action page being displayed in the content pane. And second, those styles that apply to one of the HTML components (HTCs) that are commonly used in the action pages.

This section provides further detail about each of these categories.

This section contains:

  • Action Page Styles. Describes the action page styles defined in the CSS files with names of the form "*_bizdesk.css".
  • HTML Component Styles. Describes the HTC styles defined in the CSS files with names of the form "*_bizdesk.css".

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