Domain Management: Domain List

Applies to: SQL Server

This topic describes the controls in the Domains list of the Domain Management page in Data Quality Services (DQS). Use this pane to select a domain to perform management operations on. The same pane is used for all tabbed pages in the Domain Management page.


Domains List

This list shows all domains in the knowledge base. Operations that you perform in the tabbed pages in the right-hand pane will be performed on the domain that is selected in the list. For more information, see

Create a Composite Domain
Create a new composite domain in the knowledge base. This command will display the Create a Composite Domain dialog box. This command is available either by right-clicking a domain or by clicking the icon above the domain list. For more information, see Create a Composite Domain.

Create a Domain
Create a new domain in the knowledge base. This command will display the Create Domain dialog box. This command is available either by right-clicking a domain or by clicking the icon above the domain list. For more information, see Create a Domain.

Create a copy of the selected domain
Create an exact copy of the selected domain, and add it to the knowledge base. Its name will be the name of the domain that it was created from, plus " - Copy" appended to the name. This command is available either by right-clicking a domain and then clicking Create a copy, or by clicking the icon above the domain list. It is not available for a composite domain.

Import Domain from Data File
Import a domain from a .dqs file. This command displays the Import from Data File dialog box that enables you to browse the file system and select a .dqs file for a single domain or a composite domain. This command is available by clicking the icon above the domain list. For more information, see Import a Domain from a .dqs File.

Delete Domain
Delete the selected domain from the knowledge base. This command displays the SQL Server Data Quality Services dialog box. If you click Yes, the domain and all its data will be permanently deleted. This command is available either by right-clicking a domain or by clicking the icon above the domain list.

Create a Linked Domain
Create a domain that is linked to the selected domain. This command displays the Create domain dialog box. This command is available by right-clicking a domain, and then clicking Create a Linked Domain that is linked to the selected domain. The domain that you are linking to is shown in the Create Domain dialog box. The command is not available for a composite domain. There is no command available to unlink two domains; to do so, delete the linked domain. A linked domain cannot be created to a linked domain. For more information, see Create a Linked Domain.

A linked domain has the same values as the domain that it is linked to. Only the name and properties of the domain are different. If you change a domain rule, domain value, reference data link, or term-based relation in the domain that is linked to, the domain rule, domain value, reference data link, or term-based relation in the linked domain will also change. Also, if you change a value in the linked domain, the change will also be made in the domain linked to.

Export Knowledge Base
Export the entire knowledge base to a .dqs file. This command displays the Export to Data File dialog box. This command is available by clicking the Export Knowledge Base data icon at the top of the page, or under Export in the context menu of the domains in the domain list pane. For more information, see Export a Knowledge Base to a .dqs File.

Export Domain
Export the domain to a .dqs file. This command displays the Export to Data File dialog box. This command is available in the Export menu in the menu bar at the top of the page, or by right-clicking in the domain list pane. For more information, see Export a Domain to a .dqs File.