Using the Commerce Membership Provider

The Commerce Membership Provider (CommerceMembershipProvider)authenticates users by validating user credentials, such as a user name and password. The Commerce Membership Provider answers the question "Are you who you say you are?" The Commerce Membership Provider does not issue claims about a user’s identity; it only validates that the credentials supplied by the user are valid. For more information about the Commerce Server Claims Provider, see About the Commerce Server Claims Provider.

The Commerce Membership Provider inherits from ASP.NET membership to provide membership features to ASP.NET Web applications using Microsoft Commerce Server 2009 R2. For more information about the ASP.NET membership, see I d=209149.

The Commerce Membership Provider is a client of the Commerce Foundation. In a Microsoft SharePoint 2010 deployment, the security token service (STS) calls a special subclass of the Commerce Membership Provider called the CommerceSharePointMembershipProvider to authenticate the user. The Commerce Membership Provider sends a request to the operation service to validate the supplied user credentials. For more information about the role of the Commerce Membership Provider in the flow of identity, see Understanding the Flow of Identity.

The Commerce Server 2009 R2 Commerce Membership Provider supersedes the Commerce Server Core Systems User Profile Manager (UPM) Membership Provider — a deprecated feature that shall be removed in a future release.

For more information about ASP.NET membership, see Managing Users by Using Membership

In This Section

Defining MembershipSettings in Metadata

Defining Membership User Settings in Metadata

Configuring the Commerce Membership Provider

See Also

Other Resources

Understanding the Flow of Identity