About the CommerceCache Entity

The CommerceCache entity represents one or more caches in Microsoft Commerce Server 2009 R2. All operations to request a cache refresh, query for cache refresh requests, or clear a cache are performed on the CommerceCache entity.

The following configuration example shows how the CommerceCache entity is defined in metadata.

<!-- CommerceCache Start -->
      <CommerceEntity name="CommerceCache">

          <Operation name="Query" >
            <Claimset name="CommerceQueryOperation_CommerceCache"/>
          <Operation name="Update" >
            <Claimset name="CommerceUpdateOperation_CommerceCache"/>
          <Operation name="Delete" >
            <Claimset name="CommerceDeleteOperation_CommerceCache"/>

          <Property name="Id" dataType="String"></Property>
          <Property name="CacheStamp" dataType="BigInteger"></Property>

      <!-- CommerceCache End -->

Only authorized identities can perform update, query, or delete operations on the CommerceCache entity. Therefore, you must define the authorized identities in the CommerceEntityAuthorizationStore.xml file using Authorization Manager (Azman). For more information, see Configuring Authorization Security for the CommerceCache Entity.

The CommerceCache entity has two properties:

Property name


Data type


Identifies the name of the cache(s) to be refreshed



Specifies the SQL Server timestamp assigned to a cache refresh request when the request is added to the CommerceCacheStatus table.

In a query for cache refresh requests, the CacheStamp value is used as a search criterion to return a list of cache refresh requests with a CacheStamp value more recent than the value specified in the search criterion.


See Also

Other Resources

Working with Cache Refresh (Pull or Polling Model)

Overview of CommerceCache Operation Sequences

Using APIs to Manage Commerce Server Caches

Configuring Authorization Security for the CommerceCache Entity

Creating an HTTP Module for Presentation Tier Polling

Modifying the Cache Refresh Configuration