Work with jobs


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 SP1 - Data Protection Manager, System Center Data Protection Manager 2010, System Center 2012 R2 Data Protection Manager

You can interact with DPM jobs in a number of ways:

View jobs

Retry a job

Cancel a job

Check data protection job status

Modify the Jobs display

Display job details

Use filters

View jobs

  1. In the DPM Admistrator Console, go to Monitoring > Jobs:

    • Use the Filters drop-down list box to sort the list of jobs according to a selected set of parameters.

    • Use the Group by drop-down list box to group the list of jobs by protection group, computer, status, or type.

Retry a job

If one or more jobs fail or are canceled by System Center 2012 – Data Protection Manager (DPM), you can retry the jobs. If you manually cancel one or more jobs, they are deleted and can’t be retried. Retry a job as follows:

  1. In DPM Administrator Console, go to the Monitoring > Jobs.

  2. Click a job with Failed status, then click Retry. In the Data Protection Manager message box that appears, click Yes. A new job will be scheduled to run immediately. Note that Rescheduling a job doesn’t remove the entry on the Jobs display for the failed job.

Cancel a job

You can cancel single or multiple jobs as follows:

  1. In DPM Administrator Console, open Monitoring > Jobs

  2. Group by Status. Select the scheduled job, and click Cancel > Yes. A job you cancel is deleted. However a job that’s canceled by DPM can be run again using Retry.

Check data protection job status

System Center 2012 – Data Protection Manager (DPM) tracks the status of data protection jobs as scheduled, completed, canceled, or failed. Check status as follows:

  1. In DPM Administrator Console, go to Monitoring > Jobs.

  2. In the Group by list box, select Status. Review a a job in Details. Note that DPM implements a time out for jobs. If a job exceeds the timeout limit it generates an error as is marked as Failed.

Modify the Jobs display

You can customize the data on the Jobs tab to reflect the information that you want to see, and you can create filters to save display settings, as follows:

  1. In DPM Administrator Console, go to Monitoring > Jobs.

  2. Group by Protection Group, Computer, Status, or Type to group the displayed information by these categories.

  3. To sort jobs by column, in the display pane, click Source, Computer, Protection Group, Type, Start Time, Time Elapsed, or Data Transferred.

    The rest of the table then resorts relative to the column title that you click.

Display job details

Jobs can be grouped by Protection Group, Computer, Status, or Type. By default they’re grouped by status. You can use end times to find all job that failed in a specific period. Display job details as follows:

  1. In DPM Administrator Console, go to Monitoring > Jobs and select the job. Information is displayed on the Details pane.

  2. e Details pane, in the lower part of the console.

  3. Alternatively use the Quick Search or filters to find jobs.

Use filters

You can create and manage filters to help with jobs, as follows:

  1. In DPM Administrator Console, go to Monitoring > Browse > Create filter > Create.

  2. Specify a filter name, time or data options, jobs types and status, group by protection group or computer, and select the protection members for which you want to display information. You can also filter on external media, time elapset and amount of data transferred.

  3. Click Preview to preview the filtered jobs display, and then Save. Refresh the filter to detect configuration changes.