SQL Server Agent Properties (Advanced Page)

Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Managed Instance


On Azure SQL Managed Instance, most, but not all SQL Server Agent features are currently supported. See Azure SQL Managed Instance T-SQL differences from SQL Server for details.

Use this page to view and modify advanced properties of the Microsoft SQL Server Agent service.


SQL Server event forwarding
The options in this category activate and configure event forwarding.

Forward events to a different server
Forwards SQL Server Agent events to a different server.

Select the name of the server to forward events to.

Unhandled events
Forwards only unhandled events to the specified server. SQL Server Agent forwards only events that no alert responds to.

All events
Forwards all events. When an alert in the local instance responds to the event, SQL Server agent will both forward the event and process the alert.

If event has severity at or above
Forwards only events with a severity level at or above the level specified.

Idle CPU Condition
The options in this category define the conditions under which SQL Server Agent runs jobs scheduled to run on the Idle CPU schedule.

Define idle CPU condition
Defines the conditions under which SQL Server Agent considers the CPU to be idle.

Average CPU usage falls below
Percentage of CPU usage below which the CPU is considered to be idle.

And remains below this level for
Amount of time that the average CPU must below the level specified before SQL Server Agent runs jobs on the Idle CPU schedule.

See Also

Create and Attach Schedules to Jobs
Manage Events