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Tip: Create Local User Accounts in a Homegroup or Workgroup

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For a computer that is a member of a homegroup or a workgroup, you can create a local user account by following these steps:

1. In Control Panel, under the User Accounts heading, click Add Or Remove User Accounts. This displays the Manage Accounts page.

(You’ll see that the Manage Accounts page lists all configurable user accounts on the local computer by account type and with configuration details. If an account has a password, it is labeled Password Protected. If an account is disabled, it is listed as being off.)

2. Click Create A New Account. This displays the Create New Account page.

3. Type the name of the local account. This name is displayed on the Welcome screen and Start menu.

4. Set the type of account as either Standard User or Administrator. To give the user full permissions on the local computer, select Administrator.

5. Click Create Account.

From the Microsoft Press book Windows 7 Administrator’s Pocket Consultant by William R. Stanek.

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