Security and Protection for Mobile Device Manager
This section provides information about the security Architecture in System Center Mobile Device Manager (MDM), best practices, and recommended Group Policy Settings.
- Security Considerations in Mobile Device Manager
Introduces Security considerations for MDM.
- Security Risks in the Mobile Enterprise with MDM
Describes possible security threats to a company network that supports MDM and Windows Mobile 6.1 devices and discusses how you can protect against those threats.
- MDM Security Architecture
Describes the security architecture. This includes security roles, and security features in Windows Mobile 6.1.
- Security Best Practices in MDM
Presents security best practices for your MDM infrastructure.
- MDM and Microsoft Certification Authorities
Describes how MDM uses certificates from your existing Microsoft Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), and shows the certificate templates created during MDM installation.
- Server Administrator Roles in MDM
Presents tasks that can be performed by each administrator role and by using each MDM service.
- Server Infrastructure Roles in MDM
Presents tasks that can be performed by each infrastructure role.
- Recommended Group Policy Settings in MDM
Presents recommended policy settings for several scenarios.