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Troubleshooting Virtual Machine Conversion Issues

Applies To: Virtual Machine Manager 2008, Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2, Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 SP1

This topic provides guidance for troubleshooting issues during physical to virtual (P2V) and virtual to virtual (V2V) conversions in Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2008 and VMM 2008 R2.

Before beginning a formal troubleshooting process, confirm that the source computer meets the requirements described in P2V: Requirements for Physical Source Computers or V2V: Requirements for Virtual Machines.


To enable tracing on the source computer during an offline P2V, create a file named scvmm_enable_winpe_tracing.txt and save it to the root of the source computer's boot volume. This file does not need to contain any data or information. A trace file named scvmm_winpe.etl will be created and saved on the source computer.

Communication Issues (Offline P2V)

Possible cause (or causes)

In an offline P2V conversion, Virtual Machine Manager cannot contact the source computer after it reboots into the Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE).


Determine whether Windows PE has storage or network drivers by examining the following log files on the source computer while it is under Windows PE: x:\Windows\inf\ and x:\Windows\inf\ You can also check the scvmm_winpe_setupapi.log file on the boot volume of the source computer after it is rebooted to the original operating system from WinPE. Find out which drivers are required, and copy the driver packages to the Driver Import folder in the VMM installation root: for VMM 2008, the default folder is %SYSTEMDRIVE%:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008\Driver Import, and for VMM 2008 R2, the default folder is %SYSTEMDRIVE%:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2\Driver Import.

Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) Fails to Take a Snapshot of the Contents of the Source Computer's Drives (P2V)

Possible causes

View the system and application event logs on the source computer for VSS errors..


If you cannot correct the VSS errors on the source computer, perform an offline P2V, which does not use VSS.

VMM Agent Installation Fails (P2V)

Possible causes

Installation of the VMM agent on the source computer fails.


If the installation of the VMM agent on the source computer fails, view the VMM*.log on the source computer to gather additional information. The log files are saved in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMMLogs with Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003 or in C:\Users\All Users\VMMLogs with Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008.

Required Patches or Drivers Are Missing (P2V)

Possible causes

A patch or driver file that is required for the P2V Fixup step is missing.


If required patch files are missing, download the requested patch files to the Patch Import folder on the VMM server, and then extract the files by using the Add-Patch cmdlet. The default path for VMM 2008 is %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008\Patch Import; the default path for VMM 2008 R2 is %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2\Patch Import.

If required drivers are missing, download the requested driver files to the Driver Import folder on the VMM server, and then restart the VMM Server service. The default path for VMM 2008 is %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008\Driver Import; the default path for VMM 2008 R2 is %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2\Driver Import.

Source Computer Does Not Meet P2V Resource Requirements

Possible causes

  1. The source computer has less than the required 512 MB RAM available for performing an offline P2V conversion.

  2. The source computer has a volume larger than 2040 MB.


  1. Add more RAM to the source computer to equal at least 512 MB.

  2. Ensure that no volume on the source computer is larger than 2040 MB.

Hyper-V Integration Services Installation Fails with Error 60001 (P2V)

Possible causes

If a P2V conversion with a Hyper-V destination host fails with the error message “Unable to install Virtual Guest Services on virtual machine <computername>. The Hyper-V Integration Services setup exited with error code 60001,” the probable cause is an operating system on the source computer that is not supported on Hyper-V virtual machines.


Consult P2V: Requirements for Physical Source Computers ( for a list of guest operating systems that are supported on Hyper-V virtual machines.

Firewall Issues (P2V)

Possible causes

Firewall blocks P2V by not allowing an exception for remote administration (RemoteAdmin service).


If the firewall is controlled by Group Policy, use GPEDIT.msc to enable an exception for the IP address of the VMM host, for open ports, and for authorized applications. To open the console, in the Run box, enter GPEDIT.msc. To open the Windows Firewall settings, in the Group Policy Editor console, expand Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, expand Network, expand Network Connections, and then open Windows Firewall.

BITS Transfer Fails (P2V)

During a P2V conversion, the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) transfer fails with the error ERROR_NO_TRACKING_SERVICE.

Possible causes

  • The HTTP Single Sockets Layer (SSL) service is down.

  • On the source machine, an SSL certificate is registered on port 443, the default port that VMM uses.


  1. Ensure that the HTTP SSL service is running on the source computer, and then try the operation again.

  2. If an SSL certificate is registered on port 443, update the registry on the VMM server to change the default port that VMM uses for the P2V conversions. To do this, create a new entry named P2VBITSTcpPort, as shown below, and assign any port that is not in use on the destination host.


    Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly by using Registry Editor or by using another method. These problems might require that you reinstall the operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that these problems can be solved. Modify the registry at your own risk.

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager Server\Settings\
    Value Name= P2VBITSTcpPort
    Sample value= 3043

Host Has OK (Limited) Status (V2V)

Possible causes

When a Hyper-V host is selected as the target host for a V2V conversion, the Migrate Virtual Machine Wizard displays the following warning: "Virtual machine <VMName> cannot be migrated from host <source host> because the host is in a state that has limited management functionality. For hosts in the OK (Limited) state, a virtual machine can be migrated only within the same VirtualCenter server.”


Proceed with the V2V conversion as normal. This error is unrelated to V2V.

Migrate Virtual Machine Wizard Lists Only ESX Server Hosts (V2V)

Possible causes

The default filter in the Migrate Virtual Machine Wizard lists only ESX Server hosts, which filters out Hyper-V and Virtual Server hosts.


To display Hyper-V and Virtual Server hosts, in addition to the ESX Server hosts, select the All Hosts filter option.

Communication Issues (V2V)

Possible causes

During a V2V conversion, communication fails between the VMM server or the destination host and the ESX Server host, the VMM library server, or the Windows shared folder that stores the VMware configuration and data files.


The resolution depends on the scenario:

  • If the VMware virtual machine is on an ESX Server host, check Secure Shell (SSH) and HTTPS.

  • If the VMware virtual machine is in the VMM library, check WSMan permissions and settings and Windows Firewall exceptions for the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) and HTTPS ports.

  • If the VMware virtual machine is on a Windows or NFS shared folder, check WSMan on the destination host or Server Message Block (SMB).

Required Patches or Drivers Are Missing (V2V)

Possible causes

A patch or driver file that is required for the operating system fix up is missing.


If required patch files are missing, download the requested patch files to the Patch Import folder on the VMM server, and extract the files by using the Add-Patch cmdlet. The default path for VMM 2008 is %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008\Patch Import; the default path for VMM 2008 E2 is %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2\Patch Import.

If required drivers are missing, download the requested driver files to the Driver Import folder on the VMM server, and then restart the VMM Server service. The default path for VMM 2008 is %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008\Driver Import; the default path for VMM 2008 R2 is %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2\Driver Import.

Permissions Issues (V2V)

Possible causes

VMM does not have permission to access one or more files involved in the V2V process from the command line.


The resolution depends on the location of the source VMware virtual machine:

  1. If the virtual machine and virtual machine configuration file are on a Windows or NFS shared folder, make sure that the machine account for the destination host and the account under which VMM service is running on the VMM server both have access to the share.

  2. If the virtual machine is on an ESX Server host, make sure that the host has OK status in VMM. OK status indicates that VMM has the needed credentials and security information to access files on the host and perform the needed file transfers for the V2V conversion. Until you configure security for an ESX Server host, the host has OK (Limited) status in VMM, and any operations that require file transfers to a Windows–based computer cannot be performed in VMM. The security requirements vary depending on whether the VMware infrastructure is being managed in secure mode in VMM and whether the host is running an embedded or non-embedded version of ESX Server. For detailed security requirements, see Configuring Security for a Managed VMware Environment in VMM (

Unrecognized .vmx or .vmdk File Format (V2V)

Possible causes

A V2V conversion was performed on a configuration file with an unsupported or unrecognized .vmx or .vmdk file format.


If the .vmx or .vmdk file format of the source virtual machine is not recognized, V2V conversion is not supported for that virtual machine in this version of VMM.

Operating System Issues

Possible causes

VMM cannot find a supported operating system or does not recognize the physical disk layout on the new .vhd file, and VMM cannot complete the conversion.


If VMM does not support the disk layout or operating system of the VMware virtual machine, VMM will convert the VMDKs to VHDs and create the virtual machine but will not complete the operating system fix up. As a result, the virtual machine might not start up or function correctly.

See Also

Other Resources

Troubleshooting VMM
VMM 2008 Error Codes
System Center Virtual Machine Manager Community
Frequently Asked Questions: P2V and V2V Conversions in VMM