msIsBoxed property

Gets or sets when the video player control is in boxed ( letterbox or pillarbox) mode.

Important  This property is not supported in Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 7.





isBoxed = object.msIsBoxed


Property values

Type: Boolean

Gets whether or not the video player is in boxed mode (either letterbox or pillarbox).

Value Condition

The video player is in boxed mode.


The video player is zoomed to fill the screen.



This property returns true if the video is in either letterbox or pillarbox mode. Letterbox format displays black bars on the top and bottom of a video to fill in between the wide screen format of a video, and the aspect ratio of the screen. Typically the video's left and right edges go to the full width of the screen. Pillarbox format displays black bars on the left and right of a video to fill in the difference between a video and a wider screen. With pillarbox format, the top and bottom edges of the video go to the full height of the screen.

See also

