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TechNet Flash - Volume 11, Issue 16: July 15, 2009

From the Editor

Greetings, and Welcome to TechNet Flash.

For those of you starting to plan for Windows 7 desktop deployment projects, we are glad to announce the public release of the Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit 4.0 for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. You can now use this popular multi-purpose solution accelerator to determine if your existing PCs meet the Windows 7 hardware requirements and check for device compatibilities. In addition, MAP offers Window Server 2008 R2 hardware compatibility assessments and Hyper-V server virtualization candidate assessments. [Download the MAP Toolkit 4.0 for free.


Speaking of great tool kits for planning your operating system deployments, you can now download the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010 Beta 2. MDT 2010 will support deployment of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 in addition to deployment of Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, and Windows XP. For details on the MDT 2010 Beta 2, see the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit Team Blog.

New Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 8 Security Baselines Beta Opening Soon
Does your organization waste valuable resources on security issues? Elevate the security of Microsoft products with these new security baselines for Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 8.0. This beta launches mid-July 2009. Sign up now to receive notification to ensure you get the first look at this new release. Members, bookmark this link.

Product Activation Changes in Windows 7
Find out what is changing with product activation in Windows 7 versus previous versions of the operating system in this short new video on TechNet Edge titled Volume Activation Changes in Windows 7. Also, for upcoming Windows 7 volume activation guidance, visit the Widows Volume Activation page.

New from the Windows Sysinternals Team
Check out the new ProcDump v1.0 command-line utility, aimed at capturing process dumps of otherwise difficult to isolate and reproduce CPU spikes. It also serves as a general process-dump creation utility and can also monitor and generate process dumps when a process has a hung window or unhandled exception.

The team also released the 5th Edition of Windows Internals, the official book on the architecture and internals of the Windows operating system. This release is 25% larger than the 4th Edition and is updated to cover Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. Watch Mark and David’s Channel 9 interview on the book.

Update Your Selected Topics

Ensure that the content most relevant to you is presented in this section.

Now on Demand: Windows 7 Application Compatibility Virtual Roundtable

Get your questions answered on the most common challenges around application compatibility when coming from a legacy operating system, why changes were made along the way, compatibility technologies inside the OS, and methods for getting incompatible applications to run on Windows 7.

Hyper-V Unleashed – Free Online Event on July 21, 2009

Learn what Hyper-V brings to virtualization from independent experts Michael Otey, Michael Campbell, and John Savill. Sign up today and get a chance to win an iPod Nano.

Virtualization Moves Datacenter Functionality to the Branch Office

Learn how Microsoft IT uses Windows Server 2008 R2 and virtualization to deliver datacenter functionality to branch offices. Services at the branch office level include file and print management, offline folder redirection, operating systems and application distribution, and patch management.

Virtual Lab: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Data Recovery and Preventative Techniques

After completing this lab, you will be better able to understand the availability problems associated with human error, and how foreign keys protect referenced tables but not referencing tables, use point-in-time recovery to retrieve deleted data from a database backup, and more.

Webcast: Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway – Hands-on with Beta 2! (Level 300)

July 17, 2009, 1:00 P.M. Pacific Time
Spend an hour walking through the Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) Beta 2. We’ll discuss the core scenarios and changes in this release and walk through the configuration for the common environments.

Webcast: Cheaper, Better Backups with Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 (Level 300)

July 16, 2009, 8:00 A.M. Pacific Time
In this session, we’ll discuss legacy protection solutions for backup, disk-to-disk replication, long-distance disaster recovery, and how you can cut costs while gaining better backups and more reliable recoveries.

Webcast: Configuration and Management of the Response Group Service in Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 (Level 300)

July 16, 2009, 9:00 A.M. Pacific Time
This webcast covers the features, configuration, and management of Response Groups, including overall setup, workflow templates, built-in speech technology, and options for business owner management.

New Videos for IT Pros

Internet Explorer 8 Security Series: Enhanced Delete Browsing History

Internet Explorer 8 Security Series: Enhanced Delete Browsing History

5 minutes, 10 seconds
In this video, Matt Hester demonstrates Internet Explorer 8 and its newly enhanced Delete Browsing History feature, which provides simple checkbox control over which types of data are to be removed while retaining your favorite sites settings.

How Do I: Use VRTA and Netmon to Check My Web Site’s Performance?

How Do I: Use VRTA and Netmon to Check My Web Site’s Performance?

3 minutes, 57 seconds
This video shows you how to use Virtual Roundtrip Analyzer to check performance of your Web site or Web application, and how to trace frames in Network Monitor so you can see what is going on in the network layer when you send a request and get the response back from the server.

More “How Do I?” Videos

Service Level Dashboard 2.0 for System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2

Measure and report application or system performance and availability in near real time across your organization. Using the Dashboard, you can easily spot trends and prevent problems before they occur. The Dashboard also lets you create role-specific dashboards to support different departments, such as HR, finance, or operations.

Offline Virtual Machine Servicing Tool

Keep your offline virtual machines safe from attack and in step with new security policies. Use the free, tested guidance and automated tools to help you get the job done quickly and reliably.

Scripting for IT Pros

Hey Scripting Guy...

" How Can I Simply Have Windows PowerShell Display Information on the Screen?

" How Can I Supply More Than One Value from the Command Line?

" Hey, Scripting Guy! How Can I Prompt Users for Information When a Script Is Run?

See More Scripting Tips

See previous comics in the TechNet Flash Web-based archive.

Support and Troubleshooting


" Office 2007 Cumulative Update for June 2009

" FIX: BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT 2.3 support for the MT202COV and MT205COV message types of the SWIFT 2009 Standard

" FIX: Site users are not identified as registered users in the RegisteredUser table after you import the Web server log into the Commerce Server 2007 data warehouse if you use the CommerceDataWarehouseAuthenticationModule class in your Web site

" FIX: Error message when you upgrade a very large database to SQL Server Compact 3.5: "The database file is larger than the configured maximum database size. This setting takes effect on the first concurrent database connection only"

Knowledge Base Articles

" Description of Forefront Security for Exchange Server with Service Pack 2

" Description of the improved resource use that optimizes performance in Forefront Security for Exchange Server with Service Pack 2

" The MSExchange Transport and MSExchangeIS services do not start after a server restart

" Worms are removed but not purged in Forefront Security for Exchange Server when you create a custom worm purge list and set the MaxCompressedFileInfections option to zero

" You cannot configure filtering in Forefront Security for Exchange Server

See a selection of new Knowledge Base articles on the TechNet Web site. KB articles feature an Article Translations box in the right column. You can select a language from the drop-down list and read the article in the selected language.

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IT Management

Download New Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) Companion Guides

MOF team has released a new series of framework comparison companion guides that will help you understand how MOF aligns with and compares to the leading service management and governance frameworks, including ITIL V3, COBIT, Val IT, and ISO/IEC 20000.

IT Manager Webcast: Platform Solution Blueprints - Application Lifecycle Management (Level 200)

Learn why Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) is a practice that helps businesses manage the process of custom software development, helps synchronize business goals and IT investment priorities, and ensures projects satisfy strategically aligned business needs.

To stay updated on the next installment for IT Managers, visit the IT Management Hub.

Upcoming Webcasts

New Server Migration and Server Manager Functionality in Windows Server 2008 R2 (Level 300)

July 16, 2009, 11:00 A.M. Pacific Time
This session will explore server migration capabilities and new server administration improvements with the Initial Configuration Tasks (ICT) and Server Manager.

Windows 7 Planning and Deployment Tools (Level 300)

July 22, 2009, 10:00 A.M. Pacific Time
We’ll explore using the Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit to automate the hardware and software inventory process and assess which computers need to be upgraded to meet Windows 7 operating system requirements.

More Webcasts

Identity and Security

Evaluate Forefront’s Integrated Portfolio of Protection, Identity, and Access Products

Microsoft Forefront delivers leading malware protection solutions across endpoints, messaging and collaboration application servers, and the network, while Microsoft’s identity-based access technologies and Forefront solutions build upon Active Directory’s infrastructure to enable policy-based user access to applications, devices, and information.

Try Out Microsoft Antigen 9.0 with Service Pack 2

Improve protection for Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange 2000 Server with the SP2 release of Microsoft Antigen 9.0. New features include visibility of all actively published engines, alerts and notifications of new engine availability, improved anti-spam detection through integration of Cloudmark engine, and rollup of software fixes.

Microsoft Security Bulletin for July

Security Center

On Demand

Understanding Activation and Validation in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 (Level 300)

Learn how volume activation supports new types of license keys and several new modes of activation for customers in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

Video: Work Smart Guides Deliver Key Software and Services Productivity Scenarios

Microsoft IT created Work Smart Guides to provide employees with scenario-based, re-usable, best-use productivity aids on Microsoft products and IT technologies, and enable more consistent, productive, and cost-effective use of software and service offerings across the company.

More on-demand webcasts...

Virtual Labs

Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Part 1

This lab presents an overview about how integrating portfolio management (PPM) and application development and deployment (AD) processes helps to improve visibility across the entire project lifecycle and connects two disparate worlds.

Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Part 2

This lab presents an overview about how integrating portfolio management (PPM) and application development and deployment (AD) processes helps to improve visibility across the entire project lifecycle and connects two disparate worlds.

More Virtual Labs

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