search XML Element

[DIFx is deprecated, for more info, see DIFx Guidelines.]

The search XML element directs DPInst to search recursively for INF files in specified subdirectories under the DPInst working directory. Subdirectories are specified by one or more subDirectory child elements.

Element Tag


XML Attributes


Element Information

Parent elements


Child elements

subDirectory (zero or more)

Data contents

None permitted

Duplicate child elements

None permitted


The following code example demonstrates a search element that contains one subDirectory XML element that specifies the i386 subdirectory. DPInst will recursively search for driver packages in the i386 subdirectory of the DPInst working directory. The text that specifies the custom subdirectory is shown in bold font style.


Note  Because duplicate child elements are not permitted, each subDirectory child element of a search element must be unique.

See also

