TechNet Flash - Volume 10, Issue 2: January 23, 2008
Greetings New TechNet Flash Subscriber,
If you are fan of Sysinternals (and who isn’t, once they check it out?), be sure to see the Autoruns startup monitor utility, which was recently updated in Autoruns for Windows v9.02. I’m going to borrow an extra hand and give this one three thumbs-up for its ability to ferret out those sneaky, third-party, auto-starting images that mysteriously show up on your computer. While you’re there, catch Mark Russinovich’s Blog The Case of the Missing AutoPlay, where he shows how he used Process Monitor to track down why AutoPlay wasn’t working in his ReadyBoost demonstrations. You can also find Mark on Channel 9, where he talks about working at Microsoft, the Windows Server 2008 kernel, MinWin versus Server Core, Hyper-V, and application virtualization.
According to a recent report commissioned by reseller CDW, the number of organizations evaluating and testing Windows Vista increased from 29 percent in February 2007 to 48 percent by early November 2007. If yours is among them, here’s some recommended reading:
" Five Windows Vista Adoption "Gotchas" and How to Get Beyond Them
" Windows Vista Deployment Stories
" Things to Know Before You Download Windows Vista SP1 (also check out Notable Changes in Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Release Candidate)
And now for something completely different...
Accused by your family, friends, and neighbors of being a boorish geek? On the verge of getting that Windows Home Server but wondering how to break it to the kids? Check out “The Stay at Home Server”.
And just to further prove that servers can be funny, The Lone Server video is a tragic tale of the last server at running Windows Server 2003. Even the best eventually hang up their cables.
Speaking of sendoffs, this one has already been making the rounds but if you haven’t seen it yet, check out Bill Gates, Jay-Z, and other celebs in Bill’s hilarious Last Day video, which debuted at his CES keynote address. See what it might be like for Bill on his last day at Microsoft.
Thanks for reading,
Mitch Irsfeld
Editor, TechNet Flash
Ensure that the content most relevant to you is presented in this section.
Test Drive Windows Server 2008
Try out Windows Server 2008 instantly by simply logging onto our test-drive environment using your Web browser and experience Windows Server 2008 first hand.
Windows Server 2008 “How-to” Videos
Tune in for these short (5–10 minute) videos by Microsoft IT Pro Evangelists demonstrating different features of Windows Server 2008.
With the new Microsoft Assessment and Planning tool, you have the ability to conduct network-wide assessment and determine readiness for migration to Windows Server 2008, Windows Server Virtualization, Microsoft Application Virtualization, Terminal Services, and Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager.
Things to Know Before You Download Windows Vista SP1
Find out what to do before updating your computers running Windows Vista.
Five Ways Deploying Windows Vista Just Got Easier
Check out this brand new article from the Springboard Series for five important ways that the Windows Deployment toolkit has been improved to make the process of deploying Windows Vista in your organization an easier one.
Get the Windows Vista SP1 Release Candidate Now
Now available to the public, the SP1 RC contains changes to address specific reliability and performance issues, support new types of hardware, and add support for several new technologies.
System Center Data Protection Manager Wins Gold Product of the Year Award judges awarded Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 its Gold award in the data protection category for its 2007 Products of the Year. Judges like Data Protection Manager 2007 because it offers a vertical, end-to-end, managed solution for virtualization deployments and because it's the easiest to manage and integrate with existing data center software.
Microsoft Application Virtualization 4.5 Beta: What’s New
Microsoft recently announced Microsoft Application Virtualization 4.5. Formerly known as Microsoft SoftGrid Application Virtualization, this is the first Microsoft-branded release of the product. Microsoft Application Virtualization is now available in a public beta on Microsoft Connect and will be generally available through both the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack and Terminal Services in the third quarter of calendar year 2008.
New Security Learning Path: Windows Server 2008 Network Access Protection
Network Access Protection (NAP) is a policy enforcement platform built into Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 that allows you to better protect your private network by enforcing compliance with computer health requirements. Use the resources in this learning path to set up NAP so you can create customized policies and limit access for unhealthy devices.
Virtual Lab: What's New in SQL Server 2008 for Database Administrators
In this hands-on-lab, you will work with the new date data type, implement a Declarative Management Framework (DMF) policy and look at new features added to database mirroring. You will also implement and work with table valued parameters and look at database changes using change data capture (CDC).
Virtual Lab: Administering Servers by Using Declarative Management Framework Policies
Declarative Management Framework is a policy-based system for managing one or more instances of Microsoft SQL Server 2008. In this hands-on-lab you will implement a DMF policy and implement that on the server level, including filtering.
Webcast: Administration and Management of the Live Meeting Service (Level 200)
Thursday, January 24, 11:30 AM Pacific Time
In this session, we walk through administering and managing the Microsoft Office Live Meeting Service. We cover creating and managing user accounts, storage management, managing a Live Meeting Conference Center -- including setting roles, policies, and preferences -- and generating administrative reports.
Webcast: Exchange Server 2007 in Depth (Part 5 of 8): Client Access and Web Services (Level 200)
Friday, January 25, 1:00 PM Pacific Time
In this session, we cover some new client access features introduced in Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 and explore improvements to calendaring functionality, the new Unified Messaging, and the Exchange Server Web services and programmatic access to messaging data. We conclude the webcast by looking at Exchange Server ActiveSync improvements.
Download the 2007 Microsoft Office Servers Service Pack 1
This service pack delivers important customer-requested stability and performance improvements, while incorporating further enhancements to user security. It also includes all of the updates released for the 2007 Microsoft Office system servers prior to December 2007. Get a more complete description of SP1, including a list of issues that were fixed, in Microsoft Knowledge Base article 936984.
Interactive Video Demo: System Center Mobile Device Manager
View this interactive video demo to learn how Microsoft System Center Mobile Device Manager can help you deliver robust device management, security and authenticated network access to mobile workers. Mobile Device Manager helps reduce the support time, costs, and complexity of providing mobile devices throughout your enterprise.
TechCenter: Windows Mobile for IT Professionals
Interested in tips from Microsoft Most Valued Professionals (MVPs) who are Windows Mobile power users or developers? Do you have tips you’d like to share with others? Visit the Windows Mobile TechCenter Community site to exchange ideas, information, knowledge, and expertise about Windows Mobile and Microsoft products and services.
This guide helps you to plan and carry out a corporate deployment of Silverlight. The guide describes the system requirements and deployment methods, as well as the techniques to maintain and support Silverlight after deployment.
Webcast: Centralized Web Server Configuration with Internet Information Services 7.0 (Level 300)
Monday, February 4, 11:30 AM Pacific Time
In this session, we illustrate how the new features of Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 can be used to create a more centralized method of Web server management and configuration.
Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Inside Out
Read this book to discover how to design workflows and projects for SharePoint sites, manage design teams and source control, use cascading style sheets, and more. A companion CD is included.
Virtualization Day: Microsoft Outlines Its Virtualization Strategy
Microsoft has outlined a company-wide virtualization vision designed around a portfolio of desktop and server virtualization solutions, all managed by an integrated systems management platform, and supported by a range of best-of-breed products, partnerships and initiatives.
Toast Your IT Success with TechNet Events
Tuesday, January 29, Fort Worth, TX
Learn IT solutions that can really save the day at TechNet Events, which deliver hands-on technical content, insider tips, and valuable tools that you can implement today. Admission is free to these half-day presentations, and you’ll receive a complimentary resource kit. Prepare for lively, interactive sessions with lots of time to talk shop and connect with your peers.
Toast Your IT Success with TechNet Events
Tuesday, January 29, Richmond, VA
Learn IT solutions that can really save the day at TechNet Events, which deliver hands-on technical content, insider tips, and valuable tools that you can implement today. Admission is free to these half-day presentations, and you’ll receive a complimentary resource kit. Prepare for lively, interactive sessions with lots of time to talk shop and connect with your peers.
Toast Your IT Success with TechNet Events
Tuesday, January 29, Syracuse, NY
Learn IT solutions that can really save the day at TechNet Events, which deliver hands-on technical content, insider tips, and valuable tools that you can implement today. Admission is free to these half-day presentations, and you’ll receive a complimentary resource kit. Prepare for lively, interactive sessions with lots of time to talk shop and connect with your peers.
Toast Your IT Success with TechNet Events
Tuesday, January 29, Tacoma, WA
Learn IT solutions that can really save the day at TechNet Events, which deliver hands-on technical content, insider tips, and valuable tools that you can implement today. Admission is free to these half-day presentations, and you’ll receive a complimentary resource kit. Prepare for lively, interactive sessions with lots of time to talk shop and connect with your peers.
Toast Your IT Success with TechNet Events
Thursday, January 31, Baltimore, MD
Learn IT solutions that can really save the day at TechNet Events, which deliver hands-on technical content, insider tips, and valuable tools that you can implement today. Admission is free to these half-day presentations, and you’ll receive a complimentary resource kit. Prepare for lively, interactive sessions with lots of time to talk shop and connect with your peers.
Toast Your IT Success with TechNet Events
Thursday, January 31, Amherst, NY
Learn IT solutions that can really save the day at TechNet Events, which deliver hands-on technical content, insider tips, and valuable tools that you can implement today. Admission is free to these half-day presentations, and you’ll receive a complimentary resource kit. Prepare for lively, interactive sessions with lots of time to talk shop and connect with your peers.
Toast Your IT Success with TechNet Events
Thursday, January 31, El Paso, TX
Learn IT solutions that can really save the day at TechNet Events, which deliver hands-on technical content, insider tips, and valuable tools that you can implement today. Admission is free to these half-day presentations, and you’ll receive a complimentary resource kit. Prepare for lively, interactive sessions with lots of time to talk shop and connect with your peers.
Toast Your IT Success with TechNet Events
Thursday, January 31, Seattle, WA
Learn IT solutions that can really save the day at TechNet Events, which deliver hands-on technical content, insider tips, and valuable tools that you can implement today. Admission is free to these half-day presentations, and you’ll receive a complimentary resource kit. Prepare for lively, interactive sessions with lots of time to talk shop and connect with your peers.
Black Data Processing Associates-DC Chapter (BDPA-DC)
Join BDPA-DC on January 24 for the Program Meeting: High Performance Computing 101
Join HTV on January 24 for the Weekly HowTo VS.Net SIG Meeting
San Louis Obispo Society for Technical Communication (SLO STC)
Join SLO STC on January 28 for the “Web 2.0 for the SLO Professional: Innovative Solutions Using New Social Media”
Join AUG on January 29 for the AXUG Regional Chapter of Midwest Meeting
Join LatinTech on January 31 for a review of Quick Books and Excel Taller
Dynamics NAV User Group (NAVUG)
Join NAVUG on January 31 for a Webinar: SQL Reporting Services
Alamo PC Small Business Server SIG (APCO SBS)
Join APCO SBS on February 1 for the SBS SIG Meeting
Evansville .NET Users Group (Evansville DNUG)
Join Evansville DNUG on February 4 for the meeting: Why Every Website Needs Silverlight
Danbury Area Computer Society (DACS)
Join DACS on February 4 for the General Monthly Meeting
Pacific IT Professionals-SF (pacITpros)
Join pacITpros on February 5 for the Fresno Meeting
Join pacITpros on February 5 for the Sacramento Meeting
Join pacITpros on February 5 for the San Francisco Meeting
Join WC on February 5 for the forum: General Vista Topics-Windows Vista Support
Network Professionals Association-Los Angeles Chapter (NPA)
Join NPA LA Chapter on February 5 for a Dinner and Learn Meeting
Central Florida Computer Society (CFCS)
Join CFCS on February 5 for the Access SIG Meeting
Join TSBSG on February 5 for a Meeting on EndPoint Protection Suite
Cincinnati Networking Professionals’ Association (SBS SIG) (CiNPA)
Join CiNPA on February 6 for the Monthly Meeting
Boston Area Windows Server User Group (BAWSUG)
Join BAWSUG on February 6 for a Joint Meeting with Exchange Users Group
New Hampshire SQL Server Users Group (NHSSUG)
Join NHSSUG on February 6 for their Monthly Meeting
Forefront Server Security Management Console Trial Now Available for Download
Microsoft Forefront Server Security Management Console allows administrators to easily manage Forefront Security for Exchange Server, Forefront Security for SharePoint, and Microsoft Antigen. Download the 120-day trial software and receive valuable resources delivered at strategic intervals throughout the software evaluation period.
Download System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2007 Trial Software
Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2007 is a comprehensive solution optimized for the management of Windows Server operating systems running in the virtualized data center. Download the 120-day trial software and you will automatically be registered to receive valuable resources delivered at strategic intervals throughout the software evaluation period. You can also order the trial software on DVD--free to residents of the U.S. and Canada.
Register to Evaluate Windows Server 2008 Release Candidate -- Hyper-V Now Available
Microsoft Windows Server Hyper-V, the next-generation hypervisor-based server virtualization technology, allows you to make the best use of your server hardware investments by consolidating multiple server roles as separate virtual machines running on a single physical machine. And here are additional resources to help optimize your evaluation of Windows Server 2008 Release Candidate.
As part of our countdown to the 2008 Winter Scripting Games, the Profiles in Perfection feature spotlights competitors who received at least one perfect score in the 2007 Games.
Hey Scripting Guy...
" How Can I Tally All the Items in a Microsoft Word Document?
" How Can I List All the Duplicate Files in a Folder and Its Subfolders?
" How Can I Add a Record to a Database Using Windows PowerShell?
See previous comics in the TechNet Flash Web-based archive.
How-to Articles
" How to remove Antigen 9.0 together with Antigen 9.0 Service Pack 1 from a server cluster
Knowledge Base Articles
" Release notes for the Windows XP Service Pack 3 Release Candidate
" Cumulative update rollup for USB core components in Windows Vista
See a selection of new Knowledge Base articles on the TechNet Web site. KB articles feature an Article Translations box in the right column. You can select a language from the drop-down list and read the article in the selected language.
Download the Microsoft Forefront Client Security Enterprise Manager
The Forefront Client Security Enterprise Manager tool extends the Forefront Client Security management console to enable centralized management and reporting across multiple Forefront Client Security deployments. Need Client Security? Download the free Forefront Client Security trial software and start your evaluation.
Test Drive System Center Data Protection Manager 2007
Data Protection Manager 2007 is the new standard for Windows backup and recovery, delivering continuous data protection for Microsoft application and file servers using seamlessly integrated disk and tape media. Find out more about the Data Protection Manager 2007 evaluation.
Maximizing Cluster Performance and Productivity with InfiniBand and Windows HPC Server
Thursday, January 24, 11:00 AM Pacific Time
Join us for an informative discussion on the new capabilities of Windows HPC Server 2008 and how it takes advantage of Mellanox InfiniBand interconnect to deliver computing performance that addresses the productivity and scalability needs of current and future high-performance computing platforms
Windows Compare (Part 2 of 6): Supporting Linux Users in a Windows Environment (Level 200)
Friday, January 25, 11:30 AM Pacific Time
In this webcast, we cover a number of topics regarding the interoperability between Windows and Linux. We look at using Kerberos and Active Directory to provide single sign on in a mixed world. We also discuss scripts and explore ways to migrate scripts from Linux to Windows. Sign up for the rest of this series.
Forefront Security for Exchange Server 30 Percent Discount Promotion Ends January 31, 2008
Get up to 30 percent discount on Forefront Security for Exchange Server if you purchase or renew Forefront Security for Exchange Server before January 31, 2008. Contact your Microsoft account team or reseller today for the exact discount offered. Offer available worldwide under Open Value and Select licensing programs.
SQL Server 2008: Access Your Data Any Place, Any Time
Watch a webcast and get ready for the next release of Microsoft SQL Server. We show you how to consolidate servers with multiple databases, consolidate data services through virtualization, and migrate databases easily.
During these webcasts, we show you how you can use the new features in Windows Server 2008 to improve your organization's networking infrastructure and security, server performance and reliability, remote resource access, and client deployment. Our subject matter experts break down what these upgrades mean for your environment and how to take advantage of them.
Windows Server 2008 Virtual Labs
These virtual labs give you a chance to test drive the new features of Windows Server 2008, which include improvements to management, network protection, and Terminal Services. Sign up for a free 90-minute block of time, download a manual, and step through a lab today.
Working with the New DATE Data Type in SQL Server 2008
SQL Server 2008 supports several new data types. In this hands-on-lab, you will compare the new DATE/TIME data types to the SQL Server 2005 data types and implement the new data types in table definitions and T-SQL batches.
What’s New with TechNet Plus Subscriptions
TechNet Plus Subscriber Downloads are Changing
In February we will launch an important update to the TechNet Plus Subscriber Downloads experience. We’re making it a lot easier and faster to find your download and access your Product Keys, and we’re adding new features to help with exploring available content. With the new experience, you will be able to easily find the exact download you’re looking for, with all product versions organized by family. You will also be able to access your Product Keys directly alongside your software downloads.
See the TechNet Subscriber Downloads and Product Keys walkthrough for a preview of what’s coming. We’d love to hear what you think, so please choose to Contact Us at the bottom of the page, or give your feedback on the TechNet Plus Blog or the TechNet Forum for website feedback.
Access E-Learning Courses with TechNet Plus
TechNet Plus subscribers have access to three E-Learning courses per quarter. Courses this quarter include Configuring High Availability and Disaster Recovery for SAP on Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Monitoring Enterprise Systems with Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007, and Introducing Enterprise Telephony Using Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007.
To access these new E-Learning courses, visit the benefits portal.
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