OSD File Elements

The Sequencer installation directory contains an XML schema file, Softricity.xsd, which defines the valid structure of an Open Software Descriptor (OSD) file. Following are some of the more frequently used OSD elements.

The root element of the OSD file containing all elements defining the software package.

Information about the .sft file for this package, including the HREF, FILENAME, and GUID attributes. You can edit the HREF attribute if you change the distribution point of this particular package.

Defines on what operating systems this application can run based on values that are initially set in the Sequencing Wizard. This value can contain only the values defined in Softricity.xsd.

Set to TRUE, this enables creation of named objects (events, mutexes, semaphores, file mappings, and mailslots) and COM objects in the global namespace rather than isolated inside a particular virtual environment, which allows virtual applications to interact with the host operating system's applications.







Defines Dynamic Suite Composition (dependencies on other packages) by using a CODEBASE tag from another package.

Example:<DEPENDENCIES><CODEBASE HREF="rtsps://server/package.sft" GUID="7579F4DF-2461-4219-BD43-494E1FDC69E3" SYSGUARDFILE="pkg.1\osguard.cp" SIZE="6572748" MANDATORY="FALSE"/></DEPENDENCIES>

A common name for the package entered into the Sequencing Wizard Package Information page, which enables you to specify a single name used for a sequenced application containing multiple applications.

Optional descriptive name of the application you are sequencing.

Short description of the software package entered in the Comments field in the Sequencing Wizard Package Information page. A best practice is to specify information such as the operating system and service-pack level of the Sequencer workstation, Sequencer version, and the sequencing engineer’s name.

Defines specific scripted events to occur during startup, shutdown, or streaming.

List of all shortcuts defined in the wizard.

List of the file types specified in the wizard.

About the OSD Tab