LoadState syntax
The LoadState.exe
command is used with the User State Migration Tool (USMT) to restore a store previously captured by the ScanState.exe
command onto a destination computer. This article discusses the LoadState.exe
command syntax and the options available with it.
Before running the LoadState.exe
command, note the following items:
To ensure that all operating system settings migrate, Microsoft recommends running
commands in administrator mode from an account with administrative credentials.For information about software requirements for running the
command, see USMT requirements.Sign out after running the
command. Some settings, such as example, fonts, wallpaper, and screensaver settings, won't take effect until the next time the user logs in.Unless otherwise specified, each option can only be used once when running a tool from the command line.
LoadState doesn't require domain controller access to apply domain profiles. This functionality is available without any additional configuration. It isn't necessary for the source computer to have domain controller access when the user profile was gathered using ScanState. However, domain profiles are inaccessible until the destination computer is joined to the domain.
The Incompatible command-line options table lists which options can be used together and which command-line options are incompatible.
This section explains the syntax and usage of the command-line options available when using the LoadState.exe
command. The options can be specified in any order. If the option contains a parameter, either a colon or space separator can be specified.
The LoadState.exe
command's syntax is:
LoadState.exe StorePath [/i:[Path\]FileName] [/v:VerbosityLevel] [/nocompress] [/decrypt /key:KeyString|/keyfile:[Path\]FileName] [/l:[Path\]FileName] [/progress:[Path\]FileName] [/r:TimesToRetry] [/w:SecondsToWait] [/c] [/all] [/ui:[DomainName|ComputerName\]UserName] [/ue:[[DomainName|ComputerName\]UserName] [/uel:NumberOfDays|YYYY/MM/DD|0] [/md:OldDomain:NewDomain] [/mu:OldDomain\OldUserName:[NewDomain\]NewUserName] [/lac:[Password]] [/lae] [/config:[Path\]FileName] [/?|help]
For example, to decrypt the store and migrate the files and settings to a computer, type the following command:
LoadState.exe \\server\share\migration\mystore /i:MigApp.xml /i:MigDocs.xml /v:13 /decrypt /key:"mykey"
USMT provides the following options that can be used to specify how and where the migrated data is stored.
Command-Line Option | Description |
StorePath | Indicates the folder where the files and settings data are stored. StorePath must be specified when using the LoadState.exe command. More than one StorePath can't be specified. |
/decrypt /key:KeyString or /decrypt /key:"Key String" or /decrypt /keyfile:[Path]FileName |
Decrypts the store with the specified key. With this option, the encryption key needs to be specified in one of the following ways:
KeyString can't exceed 256 characters. The /key and /keyfile options can't be used on the same command line.The /decrypt and /nocompress options can't be used on the same command line.Important Use caution when using the /key or keyfile options. For example, anyone who has access to scripts that run the LoadState.exe command with these options also have access to the encryption key.For example: LoadState.exe /i:MigApp.xml /i:MigDocs.xml \server\share\migration\mystore /decrypt /key:mykey |
/decrypt:"encryption strength" | The /decrypt option accepts a command-line parameter to define the encryption strength specified for the migration store encryption. For more information about supported encryption algorithms, see Migration Store Encryption. |
/hardlink | Enables user-state data to be restored from a hard-link migration store. The /nocompress parameter must be specified with /hardlink option. |
/nocompress | Specifies that the store isn't compressed. This option should only be used in testing environments. Microsoft recommends using a compressed store during the actual migration. This option can't be used with the /decrypt option.For example: LoadState.exe /i:MigApp.xml /i:MigDocs.xml \server\share\migration\mystore /nocompress |
USMT provides the following options to specify what files to migrate.
Command-Line Option | Description |
/i:[Path]FileName | (include) Specifies an .xml file that contains rules that define what data to migrate. This option can be specified multiple times to include all of the .xml files ( MigApp.xml , MigSys.xml , MigDocs.xml and any custom .xml files that are created). Path can be either a relative or full path. If the Path variable isn't specified, then FileName must be located in the current directory.For more information about which files to specify, see the "XML files" section of the Frequently Asked Questions article. |
/config:[Path]FileName | Specifies the Config.xml file that the LoadState.exe command should use. This option can't be specified more than once on the command line. Path can be either a relative or full path. If the Path variable isn't specified, then the FileName must be located in the current directory.This example migrates the files and settings based on the rules in the Config.xml , MigDocs.xml , and MigApp.xml files:LoadState.exe \server\share\migration\mystore /config:Config.xml /i:MigDocs.xml /i:MigApp.xml /v:5 /l:LoadState.log |
/auto:"path to script files" | This option enables specifying the location of the default .xml files. If no path is specified, USMT uses the directory where the USMT binaries are located. The /auto option has the same effect as using the following options: /i:MigDocs.xml /i:MigApp.xml /v:5 . |
USMT provides several command-line options that can be used to analyze problems that occur during migration.
Command-Line Option | Description |
/l:[Path]FileName | Specifies the location and name of the LoadState log. The log files can't be stored in StorePath. Path can be either a relative or full path. If the Path variable isn't specified, then the log is created in the current directory. The /v option can be specified to adjust the verbosity of the log.If running the LoadState.exe command from a shared network resource, the l option must be specified, or USMT fails with the error:USMT was unable to create the log file(s) To fix this issue, make sure to specify the /l option when running LoadState.exe from a shared network resource. |
/v:<VerbosityLevel> |
(Verbosity) Enables verbose output in the LoadState log file. The default value is 0. The VerbosityLevel can be set to one of the following levels:
For example: LoadState.exe \server\share\migration\mystore /v:5 /i:MigDocs.xml /i:MigApp.xml |
/progress:[Path]FileName | Creates the optional progress log. The log files can't be stored in StorePath. Path can be either a relative or full path. If the Path variable isn't specified, then FileName is created in the current directory. For example: LoadState.exe /i:MigApp.xml /i:MigDocs.xml \server\share\migration\mystore /progress:Progress.log /l:loadlog.log |
/c | When this option is specified, the LoadState.exe command continues to run, even if non-fatal errors occur. Any files or settings that cause an error are logged in the progress log. For example, if there's a large file that doesn't fit on the computer, the LoadState.exe command logs an error and continue with the migration. Without the /c option, the LoadState.exe command exits on the first error. The <ErrorControl> section can be used in the Config.xml file to specify which file or registry read/write errors can be safely ignored and which might cause the migration to fail. This error control enables the /c command-line option to safely skip all input/output (I/O) errors in the environment. In addition, the /genconfig option now generates a sample <ErrorControl> section that is enabled by specifying error messages and desired behaviors in the Config.xml file. |
/r:<TimesToRetry> |
(Retry) Specifies the number of times to retry when an error occurs while migrating the user state from a server. The default is three times. This option is useful in environments where network connectivity isn't reliable. When the user state is being restored, the /r option doesn't recover data that is lost due to a network-hardware failure, such as a faulty or disconnected network cable, or when a virtual private network (VPN) connection fails. The retry option is intended for large, busy networks where connectivity is satisfactory, but communication latency is a problem. |
/w:<SecondsBeforeRetry> |
(Wait) Specifies the time to wait, in seconds, before retrying a network file operation. The default is 1 second. |
/? or /help | Displays Help on the command line. |
By default, all users are migrated. The only way to specify which users to include and exclude is by using the following options. Users can't be excluded in the migration .xml files or by using the Config.xml
file. For more information, see Identify Users.
Command-Line Option | Description |
/all | Migrates all of the users on the computer. USMT migrates all user accounts on the computer, unless an account is specifically excluded with the /ue or /uel options. For this reason, this option doesn't need to be specified on the command line. However, if using the /all option, the /ui , /ue or /uel options can't also be used. |
/ui:DomainName UserName or /ui:"DomainName User Name" or /ui:ComputerName LocalUserName |
(User include) Migrates the specified user. By default, all users are included in the migration. Therefore, this option is helpful only when used with the /ue option. Multiple /ui options can be specified, but the /ui option can't be used with the /all option. DomainName and UserName can contain the asterisk (* ) wildcard character. When user name that contains spaces is specified, it needs to be surrounded with quotations marks (" ).For example, to include only User2 from the Corporate domain, enter: /ue:* /ui:corporate\user2 Note If a user is specified for inclusion with the /ui option and also specified to be excluded with either the /ue or /uel options, the user is included in the migration.For more examples, see the descriptions of the /uel , /ue , and /ui options in this table. |
/uel:<NumberOfDays> or /uel: <YYYY/MM/DD> or /uel:0 |
(User exclude based on last logon) Migrates only the users that logged onto the source computer within the specified time period, based on the Last Modified date of the Ntuser.dat file on the source computer. The /uel option acts as an include rule. For example, the /uel:30 option migrates users who logged on, or whose user account was modified, within the last 30 days from the date when the ScanState.exe command is run. The number of days can be specified or a date can be specified. This option can't be used with the /all option. USMT retrieves the last sign-in information from the local computer, so the computer doesn't need to be connected to the network when running this option. In addition, if a domain user signs into another computer, USMT doesn't consider that sign-in instance. Note The /uel option isn't valid in offline migrations.Examples:
For example: LoadState.exe /i:MigApp.xml /i:MigDocs.xml \server\share\migration\mystore /uel:0 |
/ue:DomainName\UserName or /ue "DomainName\User Name" or /ue:ComputerName\LocalUserName |
(User exclude) Excludes the specified users from the migration. Multiple /ue options can be used but the /ue option can't be used with the /all option. DomainName and UserName can contain the asterisk (* ) wildcard character. When a user name that contains spaces is specified, it needs to be surround with quotation marks (" ).For example: LoadState.exe /i:MigApp.xml /i:MigDocs.xml \server\share\migration\mystore /ue:contoso\user1 For more examples, see the descriptions of the /uel , /ue , and /ui options in this table. |
/md:OldDomain:NewDomain or /md:LocalComputerName:NewDomain |
(Move domain) Specifies a new domain for the user. Use this option to change the domain for users on a computer or to migrate a local user to a domain account. OldDomain might contain the asterisk () wildcard character. This option can be specified more than once. If consolidating users across multiple domains to a single domain, multiple /md options might need to be specified. For example, to consolidate the users from the Corporate and FarNorth domains into the Fabrikam domain, specify the following settings: /md:corporate:fabrikam and /md:farnorth:fabrikam .If there are conflicts between two /md commands, the first rule specified is applied. For example, if the /md:corporate:fabrikam and /md:corporate:farnorth commands are specified, then Corporate users would be mapped to the Fabrikam domain. Note If a domain that didn't exist on the source computer is specified, the LoadState.exe command appears to complete successfully, without an error or warning. However, in this case, users aren't moved to NewDomain but instead remain in their original domain. For example, if contoso is misspelled and instead /md:contso:fabrikam is specified, the users remain in contoso on the destination computer.For example: LoadState.exe /i:MigApp.xml /i:MigDocs.xml \server\share\migration\mystore /progress:Progress.log /l:LoadState.log /md:contoso:fabrikam |
/mu:OldDomain OldUserName:[NewDomain]NewUserName or /mu:OldLocalUserName:NewDomain NewUserName |
(Move user) Specifies a new user name for the specified user. If the store contains more than one user, multiple /mu options can be specified. Wildcard characters can't be used with this option.For example: LoadState.exe /i:MigApp.xml /i:MigDocs.xml \server\share\migration\mystore /progress:Progress.log /l:LoadState.log /mu:contoso\user1:fabrikam\user1 |
/lac:[Password] | (Local account create) If a user account is:
/lae option must also be used.If the /lac option isn't specified, any local user accounts that don't already exist on the destination computer aren't migrated.Password is the password for the newly created account. An empty password is used by default. Caution Use the Password variable with caution. The Password variable is provided in plain text and anyone with access to the computer that is running the LoadState.exe command can obtain the password.Also, if the computer has multiple users, all migrated users have the same password. For example: LoadState.exe /i:MigApp.xml /i:MigDocs.xml \server\share\migration\mystore For instructions, see Migrate user accounts. |
/lae |
(Local account enable) Enables the account that was created with the /lac option. The /lac option must be specified with this option.For example: LoadState.exe /i:MigApp.xml /i:MigDocs.xml \server\share\migration\mystore /progress:Progress.log /l:LoadState.log /lac:password /lae For instructions, see Migrate user accounts. |
The following examples apply to both the /ui and /ue options. The /ue option can be replaced with the /ui option to include, rather than exclude, the specified users.
Behavior | Command |
Exclude the user named User One in the Corporate domain. | /ue:"corporate\user one" |
Exclude the user named User1 in the Corporate domain. | /ue:corporate\user1 |
Exclude the local user named User1. | /ue:%computername%\user1 |
Exclude all domain users. | /ue:Domain |
Exclude all local users. | /ue:%computername% |
Exclude users in all domains named User1, User2, and so on. | /ue:\user |
The /uel
, /ue
and /ui
options can be used together to migrate only the users that need to be migrated.
The /ui option has precedence over the /ue and /uel options. If a user is included using the /ui
option and also excluded using either the /ue
or /uel
options, the user is included in the migration. For example, if /ui:contoso\* /ue:contoso\user1
is specified, then User1 is migrated, because the /ui
option takes precedence over the /ue
The /uel option takes precedence over the /ue option. If a user logged on within the specified time period set by the /uel
option, that user's profile is migrated even if they're excluded by using the /ue
option. For example, if /ue:contoso\user1 /uel:14
is specified, then User1 is migrated if they logged on to the computer within the last 14 days.
Behavior | Command |
Include only User2 from the Fabrikam domain and exclude all other users. | /ue:* /ui:fabrikam\user2 |
Include only the local user named User1 and exclude all other users. | /ue:* /ui:user1 |
Include only the domain users from Contoso, except Contoso\User1. | This behavior can't be completed using a single command. Instead, to migrate this set of users, specify the following options:
Include only local (non-domain) users. | /ue: /ui:%computername%* |
The following table indicates which command-line options aren't compatible with the LoadState.exe
command. If the table entry for a particular combination has a ✅, the options are compatible, and they can be used together. The ❌ symbol means that the options aren't compatible. For example, the /nocompress
option can't be used with the /encrypt
Command-Line Option | /keyfile | /nocompress | /genconfig | /all |
/i | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
/v | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
/nocompress | ✅ | N/A | ❌ | ✅ |
/key | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ |
/decrypt | Required* | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ |
/keyfile | N/A | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ |
/l | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
/progress | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ |
/r | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ |
/w | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ |
/c | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ |
/p | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | N/A |
/all | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ |
/ui | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
/ue | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
/uel | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
/genconfig | ✅ | ✅ | N/A | ✅ |
/config | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ |
StorePath | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
/md | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
/mu | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
/lae | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
/lac | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Either the /key
or /keyfile
option must be specified with the /decrypt