COleDateTime Class
Encapsulates the DATE
data type that is used in OLE automation.
class COleDateTime
Name | Description |
COleDateTime::COleDateTime | Constructs a COleDateTime object. |
Name | Description |
COleDateTime::Format | Generates a formatted string representation of a COleDateTime object. |
COleDateTime::GetAsDBTIMESTAMP | Call this method to obtain the time in the COleDateTime object as a DBTIMESTAMP data structure. |
COleDateTime::GetAsSystemTime | Call this method to obtain the time in the COleDateTime object as a SYSTEMTIME data structure. |
COleDateTime::GetAsUDATE | Call this method to obtain the time in the COleDateTime as a UDATE data structure. |
COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime | Creates a COleDateTime object that represents the current time (static member function). |
COleDateTime::GetDay | Returns the day this COleDateTime object represents (1 - 31). |
COleDateTime::GetDayOfWeek | Returns the day of the week this COleDateTime object represents (Sunday = 1). |
COleDateTime::GetDayOfYear | Returns the day of the year this COleDateTime object represents (Jan 1 = 1). |
COleDateTime::GetHour | Returns the hour this COleDateTime object represents (0 - 23). |
COleDateTime::GetMinute | Returns the minute this COleDateTime object represents (0 - 59). |
COleDateTime::GetMonth | Returns the month this COleDateTime object represents (1 - 12). |
COleDateTime::GetSecond | Returns the second this COleDateTime object represents (0 - 59). |
COleDateTime::GetStatus | Gets the status (validity) of this COleDateTime object. |
COleDateTime::GetYear | Returns the year this COleDateTime object represents. |
COleDateTime::ParseDateTime | Reads a date/time value from a string and sets the value of COleDateTime . |
COleDateTime::SetDate | Sets the value of this COleDateTime object to the specified date-only value. |
COleDateTime::SetDateTime | Sets the value of this COleDateTime object to the specified date/time value. |
COleDateTime::SetStatus | Sets the status (validity) of this COleDateTime object. |
COleDateTime::SetTime | Sets the value of this COleDateTime object to the specified time-only value. |
Name | Description |
COleDateTime::operator ==, COleDateTime::operator <, etc. | Compare two COleDateTime values. |
COleDateTime::operator +, COleDateTime::operator - | Add and subtract COleDateTime values. |
COleDateTime::operator +=, COleDateTime::operator -= | Add and subtract a COleDateTime value from this COleDateTime object. |
COleDateTime::operator = | Copies a COleDateTime value. |
COleDateTime::operator DATE, COleDateTime::operator Date* | Converts a COleDateTime value into a DATE or a DATE* . |
Name | Description |
COleDateTime::m_dt | Contains the underlying DATE for this COleDateTime object. |
COleDateTime::m_status | Contains the status of this COleDateTime object. |
does not have a base class.
It is one of the possible types for the VARIANT data type of OLE automation. A COleDateTime
value represents an absolute date and time value.
type is implemented as a floating-point value. Days are measured from December 30, 1899, at midnight. The following table shows some dates and their associated values:
Date | Value |
December 29, 1899, midnight | -1.0 |
December 29, 1899, 6 A.M | -1.25 |
December 30, 1899, midnight | 0.0 |
December 31, 1899, midnight | 1.0 |
January 1, 1900, 6 A.M. | 2.25 |
In the table above, although day values become negative before midnight on December 30, 1899, time-of-day values do not. For example, 6:00 AM is always represented by a fractional value 0.25 regardless of whether the integer representing the day is positive (after December 30, 1899) or negative (before December 30, 1899). This means that a simple floating point comparison would erroneously sort a COleDateTime
representing 6:00 AM on 12/29/1899 as later than one representing 7:00 AM on the same day.
The COleDateTime
class handles dates from January 1, 100, through December 31, 9999. The COleDateTime
class uses the Gregorian calendar; it does not support Julian dates. COleDateTime
ignores Daylight Saving Time. (See Date and Time: Automation Support.)
You can use the %y
format to retrieve a two-digit year only for dates starting at 1900. If you use the %y
format on a date before 1900, the code generates an ASSERT failure.
This type is also used to represent date-only or time-only values. By convention, the date 0 (December 30, 1899) is used for time-only values and the time 00:00 (midnight) is used for date-only values.
If you create a COleDateTime
object by using a date less than 100, the date is accepted, but subsequent calls to GetYear
, GetMonth
, GetDay
, GetHour
, GetMinute
, and GetSecond
fail and return -1. Previously, you could use two-digit dates, but dates must be 100 or larger in MFC 4.2 and later.
To avoid problems, specify a four-digit date. For example:
COleDateTime mytime(1996, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
Basic arithmetic operations for the COleDateTime
values use the companion class COleDateTimeSpan. COleDateTimeSpan
values define a time interval. The relationship between these classes is similar to the one between CTime and CTimeSpan.
For more information about the COleDateTime
and COleDateTimeSpan
classes, see the article Date and Time: Automation Support.
Header: ATLComTime.h
Comparison operators.
bool operator==(const COleDateTime& date) const throw();
bool operator!=(const COleDateTime& date) const throw();
bool operator<(const COleDateTime& date) const throw();
bool operator>(const COleDateTime& date) const throw();
bool operator<=(const COleDateTime& date) const throw();
bool operator>=(const COleDateTime& date) const throw();
The COleDateTime
object to be compared.
An ATLASSERT will occur if either of the two operands is invalid.
COleDateTime dateOne(1995, 3, 15, 12, 0, 0); // 15 March 1995 12 noon
COleDateTime dateTwo(dateOne); // 15 March 1995 12 noon
b = dateOne == dateTwo; // TRUE
b = dateOne < dateTwo; // FALSE, same value
b = dateOne > dateTwo; // FALSE, same value
b = dateOne <= dateTwo; // TRUE, same value
b = dateOne >= dateTwo; // TRUE, same value
b = dateOne == dateTwo; // FALSE, different status
b = dateOne != dateTwo; // TRUE, different status
The operators >=, <=, >, and <, will assert if the COleDateTime
object is set to null.
VARIANT v = {};
v.vt = VT_NULL;
COleDateTime t1(v);
COleDateTime t2(v);
t1 = t1 + t2;
Constructs a COleDateTime
COleDateTime() throw();
COleDateTime(const VARIANT& varSrc) throw();
COleDateTime(DATE dtSrc) throw();
COleDateTime(time_t timeSrc) throw();
COleDateTime(__time64_t timeSrc) throw();
COleDateTime(const SYSTEMTIME& systimeSrc) throw();
COleDateTime(const FILETIME& filetimeSrc) throw();
COleDateTime(int nYear,
int nMonth,
int nDay,
int nHour,
int nMin,
int nSec) throw();
COleDateTime(WORD wDosDate,
WORD wDosTime) throw();
COleDateTime(const DBTIMESTAMP& timeStamp) throw();
An existing COleDateTime
object to be copied into the new COleDateTime
An existing VARIANT
data structure (possibly a COleVariant
object) to be converted to a date/time value (VT_DATE) and copied into the new COleDateTime
A date/time (DATE
) value to be copied into the new COleDateTime
A time_t
or __time64_t
value to be converted to a date/time value and copied into the new COleDateTime
structure to be converted to a date/time value and copied into the new COleDateTime
structure to be converted to a date/time value and copied into the new COleDateTime
object. A FILETIME
uses Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), so if you pass a local time in the structure, your results will be incorrect. See File Times in the Windows SDK for more information.
nYear, nMonth, nDay, nHour, nMin, nSec
Indicate the date and time values to be copied into the new COleDateTime
wDosDate, wDosTime
MS-DOS date and time values to be converted to a date/time value and copied into the new COleDateTime
A reference to a DBTimeStamp structure containing the current local time.
All these constructors create new COleDateTime
objects initialized to the specified value. The following table shows valid ranges for each date and time component:
Date/time component | Valid range |
year | 100 - 9999 |
month | 0 - 12 |
day | 0 - 31 |
hour | 0 - 23 |
minute | 0 - 59 |
second | 0 - 59 |
Note that the actual upper bound for the day component varies based on the month and year components. For details, see the SetDate
or SetDateTime
member functions.
Following is a brief description of each constructor:
) Constructs aCOleDateTime
object initialized to 0 (midnight, 30 December 1899).COleDateTime(
) Constructs aCOleDateTime
object from an existingCOleDateTime
varSrc ) Constructs aCOleDateTime
object. Attempts to convert aVARIANT
structure or COleVariant object to a date/time (VT_DATE
) value. If this conversion is successful, the converted value is copied into the newCOleDateTime
object. If it is not, the value of theCOleDateTime
object is set to 0 (midnight, 30 December 1899) and its status to invalid.COleDateTime(
) Constructs aCOleDateTime
object from aDATE
) Constructs aCOleDateTime
object from atime_t
systimeSrc ) Constructs aCOleDateTime
object from aSYSTEMTIME
) Constructs aCOleDateTime
object from aFILETIME
value. . AFILETIME
uses Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), so if you pass a local time in the structure, your results will be incorrect. For more information, see File Times in the Windows SDK.COleDateTime(
) Constructs aCOleDateTime
object from the specified numerical values.COleDateTime(
) Constructs aCOleDateTime
object from the specified MS-DOS date and time values.
For more information on the time_t
data type, see the time function in the Run-Time Library Reference.
For more information, see the SYSTEMTIME and FILETIME structures in the Windows SDK.
For more information about the bounds for COleDateTime
values, see the article Date and Time: Automation Support.
The constructor using DBTIMESTAMP
parameter is only available when OLEDB.h is included.
time_t osBinaryTime; // C run-time time (defined in <time.h>)
time(&osBinaryTime); // Get the current time from the
// operating system.
COleDateTime time1; // initialized to 00:00am, 30 December 1899
// (and m_nStatus is valid!)
COleDateTime time2 = time1; // Copy constructor
COleDateTime time3(osBinaryTime); // from time_t
COleDateTime time4(1999, 3, 19, 22, 15, 0); // 10:15PM March 19, 1999
SYSTEMTIME sysTime; // Win32 time information
COleDateTime time5(sysTime);
Creates a formatted representation of the date/time value.
CString Format(DWORD dwFlags = 0, LCID lcid = LANG_USER_DEFAULT) const;
CString Format(LPCTSTR lpszFormat) const;
CString Format(UINT nFormatID) const;
Indicates one of the following locale flags:
LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE Use the system default locale settings, instead of custom user settings.
VAR_TIMEVALUEONLY Ignore the date portion during parsing.
VAR_DATEVALUEONLY Ignore the time portion during parsing.
Indicates locale ID to use for the conversion. For more information about language identifiers, see Language Identifiers.
A formatting string similar to the printf
formatting string. Each formatting code, preceded by a percent ( %
) sign, is replaced by the corresponding COleDateTime
component. Other characters in the formatting string are copied unchanged to the returned string. For more information, see the run-time function strftime. The value and meaning of the formatting codes for Format
Hours in the current day%M
Minutes in the current hour%S
Seconds in the current minute%%
Percent sign
The resource ID for the format-control string.
A CString
that contains the formatted date/time value.
If the status of this COleDateTime
object is null, the return value is an empty string. If the status is invalid, the return string is specified by the string resource ATL_IDS_DATETIME_INVALID.
A brief description of the three forms for this function follows:
( dwFlags, lcid)
This form formats the value by using the language specifications (locale IDs) for date and time. Using the default parameters, this form will print the date and the time, unless the time portion is 0 (midnight), in which case it will print just the date, or the date portion is 0 (30 December 1899), in which case it will print just the time. If the date/time value is 0 (30 December 1899, midnight), this form with the default parameters will print midnight.
( lpszFormat)
This form formats the value by using the format string which contains special formatting codes that are preceded by a percent sign (%), as in printf
. The formatting string is passed as a parameter to the function. For more information about the formatting codes, see strftime, wcsftime in the Run-Time Library Reference.
( nFormatID)
This form formats the value by using the format string which contains special formatting codes that are preceded by a percent sign (%), as in printf
. The formatting string is a resource. The ID of this string resource is passed as the parameter. For more information about the formatting codes, see strftime, wcsftime in the Run-Time Library Reference.
COleDateTime t(1999, 3, 19, 22, 15, 0);
CString str = t.Format(_T("%A, %B %d, %Y"));
ASSERT(str == _T("Friday, March 19, 1999"));
Call this method to obtain the time in the COleDateTime
object as a DBTIMESTAMP
data structure.
bool GetAsDBTIMESTAMP(DBTIMESTAMP& timeStamp) const throw();
A reference to a DBTimeStamp structure.
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
Stores the resulting time in the referenced timeStamp structure. The DBTIMESTAMP
data structure initialized by this function will have its fraction
member set to zero.
COleDateTime t = COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime();
t.GetAsDBTIMESTAMP(ts); // retrieves the time in t into the ts structure
Call this method to obtain the time in the COleDateTime
object as a SYSTEMTIME
data structure.
bool GetAsSystemTime(SYSTEMTIME& sysTime) const throw();
A reference to a SYSTEMTIME structure to receive the converted date/time value from the COleDateTime
Returns TRUE if successful; FALSE if the conversion fails, or if the COleDateTime
object is NULL or invalid.
stores the resulting time in the referenced sysTime object. The SYSTEMTIME
data structure initialized by this function will have its wMilliseconds
member set to zero.
For more information on the status information held in a COleDateTime
object, see GetStatus.
Call this method to obtain the time in the COleDateTime
object as a UDATE
data structure.
bool GetAsUDATE(UDATE& uDate) const throw();
A reference to a UDATE
structure to receive the converted date/time value from the COleDateTime
Returns TRUE if successful; FALSE if the conversion fails, or if the COleDateTime
object is NULL or invalid.
structure represents an "unpacked" date.
Call this static member function to return the current date/time value.
static COleDateTime WINAPI GetCurrentTime() throw();
// example for COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime
COleDateTime dateTest;
// dateTest value = midnight 30 December 1899
dateTest = COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime();
// dateTest value = current date and time
// a second example for COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime
// Since GetCurrentTime() is a static member, you can use it in
// a constructor:
COleDateTime t1 = COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime();
COleDateTime t2(COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime());
// Or in a normal assignment operator
COleDateTime t3;
t3 = COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime();
// or even in an expression
if (COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime().GetDayOfWeek() == 6)
_tprintf(_T("Thank Goodness it is Friday!\n\n"));
Gets the day of the month represented by this date/time value.
int GetDay() const throw();
The day of the month represented by the value of this COleDateTime
object or COleDateTime::error
if the day could not be obtained.
Valid return values range between 1 and 31.
For information on other member functions that query the value of this COleDateTime
object, see the following member functions:
COleDateTime t(1999, 3, 19, 22, 15, 0); // 10:15PM March 19, 1999
ASSERT(t.GetDay() == 19);
ASSERT(t.GetMonth() == 3);
ASSERT(t.GetYear() == 1999);
Gets the day of the week represented by this date/time value.
int GetDayOfWeek() const throw();
The day of the week represented by the value of this COleDateTime
object or COleDateTime::error
if the day of the week could not be obtained.
Valid return values range between 1 and 7, where 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, and so on.
For information on other member functions that query the value of this COleDateTime
object, see the following member functions:
COleDateTime t(1999, 3, 19, 22, 15, 0); // 10:15PM March 19, 1999
ASSERT(t.GetDayOfWeek() == 6); // it's a Friday
Gets the day of the year represented by this date/time value.
int GetDayOfYear() const throw();
The day of the year represented by the value of this COleDateTime
object or COleDateTime::error
if the day of the year could not be obtained.
Valid return values range between 1 and 366, where January 1 = 1.
For information on other member functions that query the value of this COleDateTime
object, see the following member functions:
COleDateTime t(1999, 3, 19, 22, 15, 0); // 10:15PM March 19, 1999
ASSERT(t.GetDayOfYear() == 78); // 78th day of that year
Gets the hour represented by this date/time value.
int GetHour() const throw();
The hour represented by the value of this COleDateTime
object or COleDateTime::error
if the hour could not be obtained.
Valid return values range between 0 and 23.
For information on other member functions that query the value of this COleDateTime
object, see the following member functions:
COleDateTime t(1999, 3, 19, 22, 15, 0); // 10:15PM March 19, 1999
ASSERT(t.GetSecond() == 0);
ASSERT(t.GetMinute() == 15);
ASSERT(t.GetHour() == 22);
Gets the minute represented by this date/time value.
int GetMinute() const throw();
The minute represented by the value of this COleDateTime
object or COleDateTime::error
if the minute could not be obtained.
Valid return values range between 0 and 59.
For information on other member functions that query the value of this COleDateTime
object, see the following member functions:
See the example for GetHour.
Gets the month represented by this date/time value.
int GetMonth() const throw();
The month represented by the value of this COleDateTime
object or COleDateTime::error
if the month could not be obtained.
Valid return values range between 1 and 12.
For information on other member functions that query the value of this COleDateTime
object, see the following member functions:
See the example for GetDay.
Gets the second represented by this date/time value.
int GetSecond() const throw();
The second represented by the value of this COleDateTime
object or COleDateTime::error
if the second could not be obtained.
Valid return values range between 0 and 59.
The COleDateTime
class does not support leap seconds.
For more information about the implementation for COleDateTime
, see the article Date and Time: Automation Support.
For information on other member functions that query the value of this COleDateTime
object, see the following member functions:
See the example for GetHour.
Gets the status (validity) of a given COleDateTime
DateTimeStatus GetStatus() const throw();
Returns the status of this COleDateTime
value. If you call GetStatus
on a COleDateTime
object constructed with the default, it will return valid. If you call GetStatus
on a COleDateTime
object initialized with the constructor set to null, GetStatus
will return null.
The return value is defined by the DateTimeStatus
enumerated type, which is defined within the COleDateTime
enum DateTimeStatus
error = -1,
valid = 0,
invalid = 1, // Invalid date (out of range, etc.)
null = 2, // Literally has no value
For a brief description of these status values, see the following list:
Indicates that an error occurred while attempting to obtain part of the date/time value.COleDateTime::valid
Indicates that thisCOleDateTime
object is valid.COleDateTime::invalid
Indicates that thisCOleDateTime
object is invalid; that is, its value may be incorrect.COleDateTime::null
Indicates that thisCOleDateTime
object is null, that is, that no value has been supplied for this object. (This is "null" in the database sense of "having no value," as opposed to the C++ NULL.)
The status of a COleDateTime
object is invalid in the following cases:
If its value is set from a
value that could not be converted to a date/time value.If its value is set from a
value that could not be converted to a valid date/time value.If its value is set by
with invalid parameter values.If this object has experienced an overflow or underflow during an arithmetic assignment operation, namely,
.If an invalid value was assigned to this object.
If the status of this object was explicitly set to invalid using
For more information about the operations that may set the status to invalid, see the following member functions:
For more information about the bounds for COleDateTime
values, see the article Date and Time: Automation Support.
COleDateTime t;
// this one is a leap year
t.SetDateTime(2000, 2, 29, 5, 0, 0);
ASSERT(t.GetStatus() == COleDateTime::valid);
// this date isn't valid
t.SetDateTime(1925, 2, 30, 5, 0, 0);
ASSERT(t.GetStatus() == COleDateTime::invalid);
// the only way to set null is to set null!
ASSERT(t.GetStatus() == COleDateTime::null);
Gets the year represented by this date/time value.
int GetYear() const throw();
The year represented by the value of this COleDateTime
object or COleDateTime::error
if the year could not be obtained.
Valid return values range between 100 and 9999, which includes the century.
For information on other member functions that query the value of this COleDateTime
object, see the following member functions:
For more information about the bounds for COleDateTime
values, see the article Date and Time: Automation Support.
See the example for GetDay.
The underlying DATE
structure for this COleDateTime
DATE m_dt;
Changing the value in the DATE
object accessed by the pointer returned by this function will change the value of this COleDateTime
object. It does not change the status of this COleDateTime
For more information about the implementation of the DATE
object, see the article Date and Time: Automation Support.
Contains the status of this COleDateTime
DateTimeStatus m_status;
The type of this data member is the enumerated type DateTimeStatus
, which is defined within the COleDateTime
class. For more information, see COleDateTime::GetStatus.
This data member is for advanced programming situations. You should use the inline member functions GetStatus and SetStatus. See SetStatus
for further cautions regarding explicitly setting this data member.
Copies a COleDateTime
COleDateTime& operator=(const VARIANT& varSrc) throw();
COleDateTime& operator=(DATE dtSrc) throw();
COleDateTime& operator=(const time_t& timeSrc) throw();
COleDateTime& operator=(const __time64_t& timeSrc) throw();
COleDateTime& operator=(const SYSTEMTIME& systimeSrc) throw();
COleDateTime& operator=(const FILETIME& filetimeSrc) throw();
COleDateTime& operator=(const UDATE& uDate) throw();
These overloaded assignment operators copy the source date/time value into this COleDateTime
object. A brief description of each these overloaded assignment operators follows:
operator =(
) The value and status of the operand are copied into thisCOleDateTime
object.operator =( varSrc ) If the conversion of the VARIANT value (or COleVariant object) to a date/time (VT_DATE) is successful, the converted value is copied into this
object and its status is set to valid. If the conversion is not successful, the value of this object is set to zero (30 December 1899, midnight) and its status to invalid.operator =(
value is copied into thisCOleDateTime
object and its status is set to valid.operator =(
) Thetime_t
value is converted and copied into thisCOleDateTime
object. If the conversion is successful, the status of this object is set to valid; if unsuccessful, it is set to invalid.operator =( systimeSrc ) The SYSTEMTIME value is converted and copied into this
object. If the conversion is successful, the status of this object is set to valid; if unsuccessful, it is set to invalid.operator =(
value is converted and copied into thisCOleDateTime
object. If the conversion is successful, the status of this object is set to valid; if unsuccessful, it is set to invalid. AUDATE
structure represents an "unpacked" date. For more information, see the function VarDateFromUdate.operator =(
) The FILETIME value is converted and copied into thisCOleDateTime
object. If the conversion is successful, the status of this object is set to valid; otherwise it is set to invalid.FILETIME
uses Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), so if you pass a UTC time in the structure, your results will be converted from UTC time to local time, and will be stored as variant time. This behavior is the same as in Visual C++ 6.0 and Visual C++.NET 2003 SP2. For more information, see File Times in the Windows SDK.
For more information, see the VARIANT entry in the Windows SDK.
For more information on the time_t
data type, see the time function in the Run-Time Library Reference.
For more information, see the SYSTEMTIME and FILETIME structures in the Windows SDK.
For more information about the bounds for COleDateTime
values, see the article Date and Time: Automation Support.
Add and subtract ColeDateTime
COleDateTime operator+(COleDateTimeSpan dateSpan) const throw();
COleDateTime operator-(COleDateTimeSpan dateSpan) const throw();
COleDateTimeSpan operator-(const COleDateTime& date) const throw();
objects represent absolute times. COleDateTimeSpan objects represent relative times. The first two operators allow you to add and subtract a COleDateTimeSpan
value from a COleDateTime
value. The third operator allows you to subtract one COleDateTime
value from another to yield a COleDateTimeSpan
If either of the operands is null, the status of the resulting COleDateTime
value is null.
If the resulting COleDateTime
value falls outside the bounds of acceptable values, the status of that COleDateTime
value is invalid.
If either of the operands is invalid and the other is not null, the status of the resulting COleDateTime
value is invalid.
The + and - operators will assert if the COleDateTime
object is set to null. See COleDateTime Relational Operators for an example.
For more information on the valid, invalid, and null status values, see the m_status member variable.
For more information about the bounds for COleDateTime
values, see the article Date and Time: Automation Support.
COleDateTime t1(1999, 3, 19, 22, 15, 0); // 10:15PM March 19, 1999
COleDateTime t2(1999, 3, 20, 22, 15, 0); // 10:15PM March 20, 1999
// Subtract 2 COleDateTimes
COleDateTimeSpan ts = t2 - t1;
// one day is 24 * 60 * 60 == 86400 seconds
ASSERT(ts.GetTotalSeconds() == 86400L);
// Add a COleDateTimeSpan to a COleDateTime.
ASSERT((t1 + ts) == t2);
// Subtract a COleDateTimeSpan from a COleDateTime.
ASSERT((t2 - ts) == t1);
Add and subtract a ColeDateTime
value from this COleDateTime
COleDateTime& operator+=(COleDateTimeSpan dateSpan) throw();
COleDateTime& operator-=(COleDateTimeSpan dateSpan) throw();
These operators allow you to add and subtract a COleDateTimeSpan
value to and from this COleDateTime
. If either of the operands is null, the status of the resulting COleDateTime
value is null.
If the resulting COleDateTime
value falls outside the bounds of acceptable values, the status of this COleDateTime
value is set to invalid.
If either of the operands is invalid and other is not null, the status of the resulting COleDateTime
value is invalid.
For more information on the valid, invalid, and null status values, see the m_status member variable.
The += and -= operators will assert if the COleDateTime
object is set to null. See COleDateTime Relational Operators for an example.
For more information about the bounds for COleDateTime
values, see the article Date and Time: Automation Support.
Converts a ColeDateTime
value into a DATE
operator DATE() const throw();
This operator returns a DATE
object whose value is copied from this COleDateTime
object. For more information about the implementation of the DATE
object, see the article Date and Time: Automation Support.
operator will assert if the COleDateTime
object is set to null. See COleDateTime Relational Operators for an example.
Parses a string to read a date/time value.
bool ParseDateTime(
LPCTSTR lpszDate,
DWORD dwFlags = 0,
LCID lcid = LANG_USER_DEFAULT) throw();
A pointer to the null-terminated string which is to be parsed. For details, see Remarks.
Indicates flags for locale settings and parsing. One or more of the following flags:
LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE Use the system default locale settings, rather than custom user settings.
VAR_TIMEVALUEONLY Ignore the date portion during parsing.
VAR_DATEVALUEONLY Ignore the time portion during parsing.
Indicates locale ID to use for the conversion.
Returns TRUE if the string was successfully converted to a date/time value, otherwise FALSE.
If the string was successfully converted to a date/time value, the value of this COleDateTime
object is set to that value and its status to valid.
Year values must lie between 100 and 9999, inclusively.
The lpszDate parameter can take a variety of formats. For example, the following strings contain acceptable date/time formats:
"25 January 1996"
"January 25, 1996 8:30:00"
"8:30:00 Jan. 25, 1996"
"1/25/1996 8:30:00" // always specify the full year, even in a 'short date' format
The locale ID will also affect whether the string format is acceptable for conversion to a date/time value.
In the case of VAR_DATEVALUEONLY, the time value is set to time 0, or midnight. In the case of VAR_TIMEVALUEONLY, the date value is set to date 0, meaning 30 December 1899.
If the string could not be converted to a date/time value or if there was a numerical overflow, the status of this COleDateTime
object is invalid.
For more information about the bounds and implementation for COleDateTime
values, see the article Date and Time: Automation Support.
Sets the date of this COleDateTime
int SetDate(
int nYear,
int nMonth,
int nDay) throw();
Indicates the year to copy into this COleDateTime
Indicates the month to copy into this COleDateTime
Indicates the day to copy into this COleDateTime
Zero if the value of this COleDateTime
object was set successfully; otherwise, 1. This return value is based on the DateTimeStatus
enumerated type. For more information, see the SetStatus member function.
The date is set to the specified values. The time is set to time 0, midnight.
See the following table for bounds for the parameter values:
Parameter | Bounds |
nYear | 100 - 9999 |
nMonth | 1 - 12 |
nDay | 0 - 31 |
If the day of the month overflows, it is converted to the correct day of the next month and the month and/or year is incremented accordingly. A day value of zero indicates the last day of the previous month. The behavior is the same as SystemTimeToVariantTime
If the date value specified by the parameters is not valid, the status of this object is set to COleDateTime::invalid
. You should use GetStatus to check the validity of the DATE
value and should not assume that the value of m_dt will remain unmodified.
Here are some examples of date values:
nYear | nMonth | nDay | Value |
2000 | 2 | 29 | 29 February 2000 |
1776 | 7 | 4 | 4 July 1776 |
1925 | 4 | 35 | 35 April 1925 (invalid date) |
10000 | 1 | 1 | 1 January 10000 (invalid date) |
To set both date and time, see COleDateTime::SetDateTime.
For information on member functions that query the value of this COleDateTime
object, see the following member functions:
For more information about the bounds for COleDateTime
values, see the article Date and Time: Automation Support.
// set only the date, time set to midnight
dt.SetDate(1999, 3, 19);
ASSERT(dt.GetYear() == 1999);
ASSERT(dt.GetDay() == 19);
ASSERT(dt.GetMonth() == 3);
ASSERT(dt.GetHour() == 0);
ASSERT(dt.GetMinute() == 0);
ASSERT(dt.GetSecond() == 0);
// setting the time only resets the date to 1899!
dt.SetTime(22, 15, 0);
ASSERT(dt.GetYear() == 1899);
ASSERT(dt.GetDay() == 30);
ASSERT(dt.GetMonth() == 12);
ASSERT(dt.GetHour() == 22);
ASSERT(dt.GetMinute() == 15);
ASSERT(dt.GetSecond() == 0);
Sets the date and time of this COleDateTime
int SetDateTime(
int nYear,
int nMonth,
int nDay,
int nHour,
int nMin,
int nSec) throw();
nYear, nMonth, nDay, nHour, nMin, nSec
Indicate the date and time components to be copied into this COleDateTime
Zero if the value of this COleDateTime
object was set successfully; otherwise, 1. This return value is based on the DateTimeStatus
enumerated type. For more information, see the SetStatus member function.
See the following table for bounds for the parameter values:
Parameter | Bounds |
nYear | 100 - 9999 |
nMonth | 1 - 12 |
nDay | 0 - 31 |
nHour | 0 - 23 |
nMin | 0 - 59 |
nSec | 0 - 59 |
If the day of the month overflows, it is converted to the correct day of the next month and the month and/or year is incremented accordingly. A day value of zero indicates the last day of the previous month. The behavior is the same as SystemTimeToVariantTime.
If the date or time value specified by the parameters is not valid, the status of this object is set to invalid and the value of this object is not changed.
Here are some examples of time values:
nHour | nMin | nSec | Value |
1 | 3 | 3 | 01:03:03 |
23 | 45 | 0 | 23:45:00 |
25 | 30 | 0 | Invalid |
9 | 60 | 0 | Invalid |
Here are some examples of date values:
nYear | nMonth | nDay | Value |
1995 | 4 | 15 | 15 April 1995 |
1789 | 7 | 14 | 17 July 1789 |
1925 | 2 | 30 | Invalid |
10000 | 1 | 1 | Invalid |
To set the date only, see COleDateTime::SetDate. To set the time only, see COleDateTime::SetTime.
For information on member functions that query the value of this COleDateTime
object, see the following member functions:
For more information about the bounds for COleDateTime
values, see the article Date and Time: Automation Support.
See the example for GetStatus.
Sets the status of this COleDateTime
void SetStatus(DateTimeStatus status) throw();
The new status value for this COleDateTime
The status parameter value is defined by the DateTimeStatus
enumerated type, which is defined within the COleDateTime
class. See COleDateTime::GetStatus for details.
This function is for advanced programming situations. This function does not alter the data in this object. It will most often be used to set the status to null or invalid. The assignment operator (operator =) and SetDateTime do set the status of the object based on the source value(s).
See the example for GetStatus.
Sets the time of this COleDateTime
int SetTime(
int nHour,
int nMin,
int nSec) throw();
nHour, nMin, nSec
Indicate the time components to be copied into this COleDateTime
Zero if the value of this COleDateTime
object was set successfully; otherwise, 1. This return value is based on the DateTimeStatus
enumerated type. For more information, see the SetStatus member function.
The time is set to the specified values. The date is set to date 0, meaning 30 December 1899.
See the following table for bounds for the parameter values:
Parameter | Bounds |
nHour | 0 - 23 |
nMin | 0 - 59 |
nSec | 0 - 59 |
If the time value specified by the parameters is not valid, the status of this object is set to invalid and the value of this object is not changed.
Here are some examples of time values:
nHour | nMin | nSec | Value |
1 | 3 | 3 | 01:03:03 |
23 | 45 | 0 | 23:45:00 |
25 | 30 | 0 | Invalid |
9 | 60 | 0 | Invalid |
To set both date and time, see COleDateTime::SetDateTime.
For information on member functions that query the value of this COleDateTime
object, see the following member functions:
For more information about the bounds for COleDateTime
values, see the article Date and Time: Automation Support.
See the example for SetDate.
COleVariant Class
CTime Class
CTimeSpan Class
Hierarchy Chart
ATL/MFC Shared Classes