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Journal voucher - Invoice approval journal (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Click Accounts payable > Journals > Invoices > Invoice approval journal. Click Lines.

Use this form to post vendor invoices that are approved to the appropriate ledger accounts. The actual balance in the journal is reflected in the Journal and Per voucher fields.

The invoices that you can enter in this journal originated in the Invoice register journal.


Use the Invoices not approved report to view the invoices that are ready for approval. (Click Accounts payable > Reports > Status > Invoices not approved.)


A worker has entered and posted vendor invoices in the Invoice register form. The amounts are automatically posted to the Arrival and Offset account ledger accounts that are defined in the Vendor posting profiles form. The worker gives the physical invoices to the worker whose ID is displayed in the Approved by field. That worker approves the physical invoices with a stamp or a signature, and then forwards them to the accounting department.


If approval is delayed, the Invoices not approved report can be printed to remind the approver about the invoices that are awaiting approval.

An accounting worker enters the invoices in the Invoice approval journal form, adds appropriate information, and posts the invoices. The amounts are cleared from the temporary ledger accounts and are posted to the appropriate ledger accounts. The vendor invoices can then be settled.

Tasks that use this form

Post invoices in the Invoice approval journal form

(MEX) Create and post an invoice register for a non-managed vendor

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





View and modify the ledger postings for the invoice that is selected in the upper pane.


View additional information for the selected line on the Overview tab.


Enter or view information about the related invoice.


Enter or view payment information about the selected line.


Enter or view bank information about the selected line.


Enter or view project information about the selected line.

Fixed assets

Enter or view fixed asset information about the selected line.


View the name that was specified for the location where payments are sent and the mailing address of that location. This is the mailing address that is printed on remittances and checks.


Enter tax amounts and details to include on the 1099-G or 1099-S form.


(USA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in the United States, and if the Public Sector 1099G or Public Sector 1099S configuration keys are selected.


View the history of the selected line.

Invoice information

View specific information for the vendor invoice that is related to the selected voucher on the Overview tab. For information about the fields on this tab, see Vendor invoice (form).





Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Post and transfer – Post lines that do not have errors and transfer lines that have errors to a new journal.

  • Post – Post the selected lines. If an error exists, no lines are posted and an error message is displayed.


Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Validate – Verify that the journal lines are ready for posting.

  • Validate voucher only – Verify that the selected journal line is ready for posting.

Financial dimensions

Open a menu with options to open a form where you can select financial dimensions for the main account, offset account, or, if it is necessary, a payment fee account. The menu options that are available depend on the form that you are currently working with.

Find vouchers

Open the Find vouchers form, in which you can find vouchers and transfer them to the Invoice approval journal.

Remove vouchers

Remove the selected vouchers and return them to the invoice pool.


Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Report as ready – Specify that the selected journal line is ready for approval.

  • Approve – Approve the selected journal line.

  • Reject – Reject the selected journal line.


This button is available if you select the Active check box for the journal name in the Journal names form.

Sales tax

Open the Sales tax transactions form, in which you can view, and edit before posting, if you have to, the expected sales tax transaction that is related to the journal line.


Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Breakdown of voucher – Open the Breakdown of voucher form, in which you can split the posting and sales tax calculation of the selected vendor invoice line.

  • Purchase order – Open the Purchase update form, in which you can select purchase orders to add to the invoice. The purchase orders are displayed in the Vendor invoice form.

  • Cancel – Set the selected voucher to be canceled. You must post the voucher to finish the cancellation process.

  • New voucher number – Assign a new voucher number to the selected voucher.

  • Change voucher date – Open the Change the date of the voucher form, in which you can select a different date for the selected voucher.

  • Change document date – Open the Change document date form, in which you can select a different document date for the selected invoice.

  • Ledger accruals – Open the Ledger accruals form, in which you can generate ledger accrual transactions from the setup of accrual schemes.

  • Transfer budget – Open the Create budget transfer form, in which you can transfer a budget amount from one financial dimension value to another.


Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Voucher – Open the Voucher transactions form, in which you can view the ledger journal entries for the invoice approval journal entries.

  • Invoice register posting – Open the Voucher transactions form, in which you can view the ledger journal entries for the invoice register entries.

  • Journal descriptions – Open the Journal descriptions form, in which you can create default descriptions for the journal.

  • Sales tax totals –Open the Sales tax totals form, in which you can view the sales tax information for the voucher.

  • Substance flows – Open the Substance flows form, in which you can view or change the flow of substances between processes.

  • Budget check errors or warnings – Open the Budget check errors or warnings form, in which you can view the result of a budget check.


Print reports that are relevant to the approval journal.




(Balance) Journal

The balance for the journal.

(Balance) Per voucher

The balance for the selected journal line.

(Total debit) Journal

The total debit amount for the journal.

(Total debit) Per voucher

The debit amount for the selected journal line.

(Total credit) Journal

The total credit amount for the journal.

(Total credit) Per voucher

The credit amount for the selected journal line.

(Budget check results) Per voucher

Budget checking is available when budget control is turned on and vendor invoices are enabled for budget control. The icons that are displayed identify the result of budget checking. A red X indicates that the budget check failed, a yellow triangle indicates that the budget check passed with warnings, and a green check mark indicates that the budget check passed. For more information, see About budget control.


The date of posting that is used in the ledger for the transaction. This date is often the date of the invoice from the vendor.


The voucher number for the transaction.

Vendor account

The account number of the vendor.


The invoice number that the transaction is attached to.

Pending vendor invoice

If this check box is selected, the invoice document is in a pending status; it is not posted.

Approved by

The identifier of the worker who approved the transaction.


The description for the current transaction.


The currency code for the amount.

Amount in transaction currency

The total amount in the transaction currency.


The posting date of the journal line. You can change the date by clicking Functions > Change voucher date.


The voucher number for the journal line. You can change the voucher number by clicking Functions > New voucher number.

Account type

Select the account type:

  • Ledger

  • Customer

  • Vendor

  • Project

  • Fixed assets

  • Bank


Enter or view the account number for the selected account type.


Enter or view a description of the transaction.


Enter or view the debit amount in the transaction currency.


Enter or view the credit amount in the transaction currency.


The currency for the line.

Sales tax group

Select or view the sales tax group for the transaction.

Item sales tax group

Select or view the item sales tax group.

Sales tax from invoice register

The posted sales tax amount from the invoice register. This amount is reversed when the approval journal is posted.

Sales tax for posting

The calculated sales tax amount for the line in the approval journal.


Select this check box to mark the transaction as a transfer.

Company accounts

The abbreviation for another legal entity. The transaction between legal entities is posted in the Intercompany accounting form for both legal entities.

Sales tax code

Enter the sales tax code for the transaction. A sales tax code must be specified if the account has a sales tax posting type.

Sales tax direction

If this check box is selected, the sales tax direction for the current journal line in the current voucher number is controlled by the setup of the Sales tax direction field, which is in the Main accounts - chart of accounts: %1 form for the ledger account in the Account field on the journal line.

Offset company accounts

Enter or view the abbreviation for the legal entity in which the current transaction is to be offset.

Offset account type

Select the offset account type.

Offset account

Enter or view the account number for the selected offset account type.

Offset-transaction text

If a description other than the one entered in the Description field should be used, enter it here.

Exchange rate

The currency exchange rate that applies to the transaction. The currency rate that is expressed here is the rate that is set up in the Currency exchange rates form, but you can change this rate.

Secondary exchange rate

The secondary exchange rate.

Type of operation

Select the operation type as 03: professional services, 06: rent/lease, or 85: Others for the Declaración Informativa de Operaciones con Terceros (DIOT).


(MEX) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in Mexico.

Calculation method

The basis for the calculation of the cross rate.

Cross rate

The cross rate for the two exchange rates.


The invoice number.

Due date

The due date for the invoice that is calculated based on the terms of payment. You can change this date.


This calculation occurs only if an invoice is entered.

Terms of payment

The terms of payment for the current invoice.

Payment ID

The payment identifier that is used when payment is made. If a payment proposal is used, the payment ID from the invoice or credit note is suggested, but you can change this.

Tax exempt number

Select the tax exempt number for the transaction. The tax numbers are created in the Tax exempt numbers form. (Click General ledger > Setup > Sales tax > External > Tax exempt numbers.)

Purchase order

Specify the purchase orders that pertain to this invoice.


This field is used only for information. More than one purchase order can be set in the field.

Enterprise number

The enterprise number that is used to identify Belgian organizations.


(BEL) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in Belgium.

Cash discount

Enter or view the code for the cash discount for subsequent approval.

Cash discount date

The latest payment date to qualify for a cash discount, which is calculated based on the Cash discount field. You can change this date.


If a cash discount hierarchy is used, the first date that qualifies for a cash discount is displayed.

Cash discount amount

The cash discount amount that is included in the payment.

If payment is made before the deadline, the specified amount is redeemed and is posted automatically.


The number or name of the document that is the basis of the transaction.

Document date

The document date.

To change the document date, click Functions > Change document date.

Approved by

The worker who approved the transaction.


If this check box is selected, the transaction has been approved.

Invoice payment release date

Enter a release date to put the invoice payment on hold. If you enter a date, the payment will not be generated until that date. This field is available only if the invoice is approved.

To remove a payment hold, clear the entry in this field. Any user can clear the release date, regardless of which user entered it.

Release date comment

Enter a comment for the Invoice payment release date field.

1099 amount

The amount to be reported on the 1099 form. For more information, see (USA) About year-end 1099 reporting.


(USA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in the United States.

1099 box

The 1099 form on which you want to print the 1099 amount.


(USA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in the United States. If the Public Sector 1099G or Public Sector 1099S configuration keys are selected, 1099-G or 1099-S options are displayed in this list. If you select G-2 or S-2, use the 1099 tab to enter additional details. For more information, see (USA) About year-end 1099 reporting.

G-10a state

The two-letter postal abbreviation of the state for which state income taxes are being withheld.


(USA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in the United States, and if the Public Sector 1099G configuration key is selected.

G-10b state identification number

The identification number of the state department, division, or office reported in box 10a on form 1099-G.


(USA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in the United States, and if the Public Sector 1099G configuration key is selected.

G-11 state income tax withheld

The amount of state tax that was withheld from the payment, as reported in box 1 on form 1099-G.


(USA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in the United States, and if the Public Sector 1099G configuration key is selected.

Transaction code

The identification code of the transaction for European Union (EU) trade. This is used for Intrastat reporting. For more information, see About Intrastat.


Enter a means of transport for the voucher. This information is used for Intrastat reporting.


Enter the port where the delivery will be loaded.

Statistics procedure

The code for the statistical procedure.


The item code for Intrastat reporting.

Additional units

The number of additional item units for the invoice.

Charges percentage

Specify the charges for the journal.


Specify the country/region for the delivery of the products.


Specify the state for the delivery.


(USA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in the United States.

1099 state amount

The amount to be reported on the 1099 form.


(USA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in the United States.

Method of payment

The payment method that is used on the current invoice or credit note.

Payment specification

Specify the payment specification, if any, for the current method of payment.

Bank transaction type

Enter or view the bank transaction type that is used for payment.

Payment reference

Enter or view the reference to a specific payment.


When using a deposit slip, this field is required.

Account identification

Select or view the bank account of the recipient.

Project date

The posting date for the project that is attached to the line.


The identifier of the project.


The category to use to classify the voucher.


The worker who is associated with the project.

Line property

The identifier for the attribute that defines cost and sales percentages for revenue accrual and capitalization costs. For example, if the voucher is for overtime hours, the Overtime line property might be selected.

Transaction ID

The identifier of the project transaction.


A description of the project transaction.


Specify the number of units for the project transaction.

Cost price

Enter or view the cost price of the hours that are spent on the transaction.

Sales currency

The currency in which the project is invoiced.

Sales price

Enter or view the sales price of the hours that are spent on the transaction.

Sales tax group

Enter or select the sales tax group for project invoicing.

Item sales tax group

Enter or select the item sales tax group for project invoicing.

Transaction type

Select or view the type of transaction for the fixed asset transaction.

For more information, see the following topics:

Value model

Select or view the value model for the fixed asset.

Depreciation run date

The date when the fixed asset was acquired. You can change this date when the transaction type is Acquisition or Acquisition adjustment, or if there is no value model depreciation convention.


(ITA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in Italy.

Remittance location

The name that was specified for the location where remittances are sent.


The mailing address that is printed on remittances and checks.

1099 G-2 Details

If you selected G-2 in the 1099 box field, you can modify the fields in this section. For more information about these fields, see the IRS guidelines for the 1099-G form.

  • G-3 amount is for tax year – Select this check box to enter the year that the G-2 amount applies to.

  • G-8 trade or business income – Select this check box to indicate that the G-2 amount applies to trade or business income.


(USA) These controls are available only to legal entities whose primary address is in the United States, and if the Public Sector 1099G configuration key is selected.


If you selected S-2 in the 1099 box field, you can modify the fields in this section. For more information about these fields, see the IRS guidelines for the 1099-S form.

The S-2 gross proceeds field is not displayed because this amount is the same as the amount in the Settled federal 1099 field. For more information, see (USA) About year-end 1099 reporting.


(USA) These controls are available only to legal entities whose primary address is in the United States, and if the Public Sector 1099S configuration key is selected.

Reported as ready by

The user who reported the journal as ready.

Approved by

The user who approved the journal.

Rejected by

The user who rejected the journal.

Posted on

The date of the final posting in the journal.

Errors detected

Any error messages for the voucher and the actions that were taken.

See also

Journal header (form)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).