Responsibilities distribution (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Click Sales and marketing > Common > Campaigns > All campaigns. Double-click a campaign. In the Campaigns form, click the Targets FastTab, and then select a record. Click Distribute > Responsibilities distribution.

Use this form to create a list of workers who are responsible for following up on the targets of a campaign or call list when the targets do not already have a worker assigned to them for follow-up.

An activity is automatically created for each worker if Microsoft Dynamics AX is set up to automatically create target activities. If activities are synchronized with Microsoft Outlook, the worker is reminded of the activity through the reminder function in Microsoft Outlook.

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Query the Worker table for a range of workers.

You can filter and sort the query by worker.

When you run the query, you can clear the distribution list or keep the workers who are listed.


To add a new worker to the distribution list, press CTRL+N, and then select the worker in the Worker field.

Clear distribution

Clear all workers from the distribution list.

Distribute equally

Evenly distribute the number of targets of the campaign or call list among the selected workers.

If there is an uneven number of workers, any targets who have not been distributed are distributed according to the placement of the workers in the distribution list.


To manually change the number of targets who are distributed to a worker, change the value in the Number field.




Total targets

View or change the total number of targets who require follow-up.


View or change the total remaining number of targets who require follow-up, but who do not have a worker who is assigned to them for follow-up.


Select a worker whom you want to add to the distribution list.


View or change the number of targets who are assigned to the active worker for follow-up. You can manually change this number.

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).