Fixed asset group/value model (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Click Fixed assets > Setup > Value models. Select a value model and click Fixed asset groups.

Use this form to create fixed asset groups that use the selected value model, or view the fixed asset groups that currently use the value model.

The value models that are used by a fixed asset group are the default value models for every fixed asset that is assigned to that fixed asset group.

Task that uses this form

Set up fixed asset groups

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

View or create value model and fixed asset group combinations.

General tab

View additional information about the value model and fixed asset group combination that is selected on the Overview tab.




Fixed asset group

The identifier of the fixed asset group.

Posting layer

Select the posting layer for fixed asset transactions for the value model.

Depreciation profile

For depreciable assets, select the primary depreciation profile. The calculation rules for the depreciation calculation for this depreciation profile will be used for each fixed asset that uses this value model.

Setting up depreciation profiles is one of the most important setup steps for the value model. It is fixed on the value model and defines the depreciation method, depreciation period, and rounding.

Alternative depreciation profile

The alternative depreciation profile. In some countries/regions, such as Belgium and Germany, a depreciation method exists that combines two depreciation methods, usually Straight line life remaining and Reducing balance. Organizations can post the highest depreciation amount.

Round off depreciation

Enter the lowest amount of depreciation that is allowed for this value model.

Because the depreciation is an allocation of the fixed asset value, many organizations want to post rounded amounts only, such as 1.100 instead of 1100.99 or 10.000 instead of 8.800.

Depreciation convention

The depreciation convention for this book.


Select if fixed assets in this group should be depreciable.

Depreciation periods

The depreciation periods of the fixed asset specified as units of the period frequency for the depreciation profile.


If the Depreciation periods field has a monthly basis and the Service life field is set to 5, the number of depreciation periods will be 60. If the basis is semi-annual, the number of depreciation periods will be 10.

Value model

The identifier of the value model.

Service life

The service life of the fixed asset, in years.

Derogatory calculation

Select the derogatory value model to calculate derogatory depreciation. The value model will be used to calculate and post the tax depreciation.


(FRA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in France.

Derogatory tax model

Select this option to use the value model for derogatory depreciation.


(FRA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in France.

Depreciation profile

The fields that are displayed in this field group depend on the depreciation profile. For more information, see Depreciation profiles (form).

Alternative depreciation profile

The fields that are displayed in this field group depend on the depreciation profile. For more information, see Depreciation profiles (form).

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