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About using MapPoint within a Microsoft Office program

You can work with Microsoft MapPoint directly from within many Microsoft Office programs to enhance your documents with maps or to send geographic information and data from your documents for use in MapPoint.

Accessing MapPoint from within Office is seamlessly handled by the MapPoint Office COM add-in, which automatically installed a toolbar button or menu items to your Office programs when you installed MapPoint. With this add-in, you can insert maps, send address information to MapPoint to start planning a route, or export or link data to a map in MapPoint.

MapPoint also installed smart tags for use with English versions of Microsoft Word 2002 (or later) and Microsoft Excel 2002 (or later). These smart tags recognize and label address data in your documents. You can then quickly insert maps in your Word or Excel document, or export the address information to MapPoint.

If you decide to remove the MapPoint Office add-in or disable the MapPoint smart tags, you can still use MapPoint from within an Office program as a linked or embedded object.

More information

About the MapPoint Office COM add-in

Use MapPoint smart tags in Microsoft Word or Excel

About linked and embedded objects