Account interval (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Use this form to define the account intervals that compose the selected account. The interval definition is the basis for the calculation of the balance of the selected account. You can view the balance in the Balance field in the Ledger balance form.

For example, on the first line of the form, enter account 1000 in the From value field and account 2000 in the To value field. The calculation adds the amounts of all accounts in this interval. If you want the total to include other account intervals, create a line for each interval.

To subtract an interval amount from the total of the other intervals, select the Invert sign check box on the interval line.

Open the form

  1. Click General ledger > Setup > Chart of accounts > Chart of accounts.

  2. Double-click a main account with an account type of Total.

  3. On the General tab, click Totals.

The following table provides descriptions for the controls in this form.




From value

Select the first account in the interval covered by the total.

To value

Select the last account in the interval covered by the total. An interval can consist of one account.

Invert sign

Select to subtract an interval amount from the total of the other intervals.

See also

Ledger balance (form)

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