Pay agreement lines (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Click Human resources > Setup > Time and attendance > Payroll > Pay agreements. Select a pay agreement in the left pane, and then click the Pay agreement lines button.

Use this form to set up pay agreement lines for the selected pay agreement.

You can add limitations to a pay agreement line, meaning that the pay for that line is generated only under special circumstances, for example, if a worker has worked on a specific operation or project or a worker is connected to a specific profile.

Pay agreement lines must be set up for each weekday.

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

Maintain pay agreement lines.

General tab

View and modify information about a pay agreement line.




Copy day

Copy the setup for one weekday to other weekdays that are listed on the current pay agreement.


Set up limitations on a pay agreement line. This can be used if you need to create detailed limitations, for example, in order to handle exceptions in the pay agreement.




Profile type

Select a profile type if the pay agreement line should be paid only to workers who have that profile type in their work time profile.

Pay type

Select the pay type that is paid to the worker if the conditions are met.


A description of the selected pay type.

24-hour period start

Specify on which day the pay agreement line starts.

Select Previous day if the starting time stated in the From time field is on the previous day.

Select This day if the starting time stated in the From time field is the current day.

Select Next day if the starting time stated in the From time field is on the next day.

From time

Set a starting time for when the selected pay type is paid.


This is relevant, for example, for workers who receive night shift bonuses.

To time

Set an ending time for when the selected pay type is paid.


Set a minimum for the wage type before the selected pay type is paid.


For example, this is useful if a specific overtime bonus is not paid until the worker has already worked two hours of overtime.


Set a maximum for the wage type for the selected pay type to be paid.

When the maximum is reached, this pay type is no longer paid.

From date

Select a starting date if pay on this line is generated only within a specific period of time.

To date

Select an ending date if pay on this line is generated within a specific period of time.

Start day

The weekday for the starting time.

End day

The weekday for the ending time.


Enter a factor with which to multiply the pay quantity.


Zero means that no factor is multiplied by the pay quantity.

Minimum in the Seniority section

Enter the minimum seniority for receiving a seniority bonus.

Maximum in the Seniority section

Enter the maximum seniority for receiving a seniority bonus.


Specify whether the seniority minimum is stated in months or days.


Specify whether the seniority maximum is stated in months or days.

Rounding form

Select the type of rounding off to be applied to the time.


The round-off factor is stated in centihours (one hour divided by 100).

For example, if you select Up in the Rounding form field and then insert 00.25 in this field, the actual time will be rounded up to the nearest quarter of an hour.

Round before factor

Select this check box to round off before multiplying the number in the Factor field.

Count unit

Apply a count unit to this pay agreement line.


Insert the maximum number of hours for the count unit. When this level is reached, the selected pay type is no longer paid.


Insert the minimum amount of time to be registered on the count unit before the selected pay type is paid.

Switch code

Select a switch code to either delimit this pay agreement line or to switch pay type.


If a pay type is selected in the Secondary pay type field, that pay type will be used to calculate the pay, if the switch code is registered on the day. Otherwise, the switch code works as a simple delimiter, which means that the worker has to make a registration on the selected switch code for the pay agreement line that is used to generate pay.

Secondary pay type

This pay type will replace the pay type on the line if the switch code in the Switch code field has been registered on the day.

Secondary factor

The factor to multiply the paid quantity by, if the Secondary pay type has been activated.


Select an operation if this kind of pay is paid only when a worker works on a specific production operation.

Project ID

Select a project if this kind of pay is paid only when a worker works on a specific project.

Project activity

Select a project activity if this kind of pay is paid only when a worker works on a specific project activity.

Absence code

If this pay agreement line is only used to calculate pay for a specific type of absence, select the absence code in this field.

On call activity

Select an on-call activity for paying a special on-call bonus.

For more information, see About indirect activities for time and attendance.


Select a profile if this kind of pay is paid only when a specific profile is applied to the worker on a specific day, for example, a night shift bonus.


Select a skill for which a special bonus will be paid on this pay agreement line.


If a skill is selected in the Skill field, you can select a certain required level of that skill.

Certificate type

Select a certificate that results in a special bonus.

Special day

Select a special day if this is a bonus that is paid only on such a day, for example, a holiday bonus.

No paid time required

Select the check box if the quantity specified in the Constant field is paid, even though no work or pay time has been registered.


This could be a special holiday bonus.


Enter the quantity of the specified pay type to be paid when no paid time is registered for a worker.

Use fixed quantity

Select this check box to always use the quantity in the Constant field, even though paid time has been registered.

Invert sign

Select to reverse the sign of the pay transaction. Negative quantities will become positive, and vice versa.


This might necessary when transferring negative flexible hours on a specific pay type to an external payroll system.

Cancel payment

Select to cancel payment. The worker will not be paid, but the amount will be included in the calculation of the cost.


Click Production control > Setup > Manufacturing execution > Production parameters.

Hourly rate / piecework rate

Select whether this pay type is paid as an hourly rate, piecework, or both.

See also

About payroll in Time and attendance

About pay adjustments and count units

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