Bill of exchange layout (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Click Cash and bank management > Common > Bank accounts. On the Action Pane, on the Setup tab, click Bill of exchange.

Use this form to set up the layout of bills of exchange for the bank account that you selected on the Bank accounts list page.

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Enter information about the bill of exchange number method, bill of exchange format, and test printout format.


Select the bank and legal entity information to display on the bill of exchange.


Enter information about the printing of signatures and any amount limits for signatures.




Company logo

Open the Image form, in which you can add, change, or remove the image file that is printed on the bill of exchange as the company logo.


Open the Signature form, in which you can add, change, or remove the image files that are printed on the bill of exchange as signatures.




Bill of exchange number method

Select the method to use to generate bill of exchange numbers:

  • Fixed – Select this option when you have preprinted bills of exchange. Before you can use bills of exchange for payment, you must create them by clicking Bill of exchange numbers on the Bank accounts list page.

  • Free – Select this option when you do not have preprinted bills of exchange. Bill of exchange numbers are automatically proposed when you use bills of exchange for payment.

Bill of exchange form

Select the bill of exchange form type to be printed.

Paper length

Enter the length of the bill of exchange. This includes the slip.

Paper length unit

Select the unit for specifying the size or position of the paper.

Bill of exchange start position

Enter the position at which the bill of exchange is printed. The position is calculated from the top of the form to the position where the note starts.

Unit for the start position of the bill of exchange

Select the unit for specifying the size or position.

Number of slip copies

Enter the number of slip copies that are printed on the same form.


Specify the text to appear before the sum on the printout of the bill of exchange.


Select the ruler unit of the report:

  • None – Do not display the ruler on test prints.

  • cm – Display the ruler with increments in centimeters.

  • Inches – Display the ruler with increments in inches.

Bank account

Select this check box to print the bank account number on the bill of exchange. Define the bank account number in the Bank account number field in the Bank accounts form.

Bank name

Select this check box to print the bank name on the bill of exchange. Define the bank's name in the Name field in the Bank accounts form.

Bank city

Select this check box to print the name of the city in which the bank is located on the bill of exchange.

Bank number

Select this check box to print the bank's registration number on the bill of exchange. Define the bank's registration number in the Routing number field in the Bank accounts form.

Company name

Select this check box to print the name of the legal entity on the bill of exchange. Define the name of the legal entity in the Legal entities form.

Company logo

Select this check box to print the company logo on the bill of exchange. The company logo is the file that is specified in the Image form.

Transaction date

Select this check box to print the transaction date.

Due date

Select this check box to print the due date.

Print first signature

Select this check box to print a signature on the bill of exchange. The signature is the file that is specified in the Signature form.

First amount limit

Enter the highest amount that the signature can be stamped for.

Print second signature

Select this check box to print a signature on the bill of exchange. The signature is the file that is specified in the Signature form.

Second amount limit

Enter the highest amount that the signature can be stamped for.

See also

Bank accounts (form)

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