CrmService Enumerations

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The following CrmService enumerations are supported.

Enumeration Description
AccessRights Specifies the possible access rights for a user.
AccountState Specifies the possible states for an account.
ActivityPointerState Specifies the possible states for an activity pointer.
AppointmentState Specifies the possible states for an appointment.
BulkOperationState Specifies the possible states for a bulk operation.
BusinessUnitState Specifies the possible states for a business unit.
CampaignActivityState Specifies the possible states for a campaign activity.
CampaignResponseState Specifies the possible states for a campaign response.
CampaignState Specifies the possible states for a campaign.
ConditionOperator Specifies the possible values for the condition operator in a condition expression.
ContactState Specifies the possible states for a contact.
ContractDetailState Specifies the possible states for a contract detail.
ContractState Specifies the possible states for a contract.
DiscountTypeState Specifies the possible states for a discount type.
EmailState Specifies the possible states for an e-mail.
EntityName Specifies the possible values for an entity name in the specified messages.
FaxState Specifies the possible states for a fax.
IncidentResolutionState Specifies the possible states for an incident resolution.
IncidentState Specifies the possible states for an incident.
InvoiceState Specifies the possible states for an invoice.
JoinOperator Specifies the possible values for a join operator in a LinkEntity.
KbArticleState Specifies the possible states for a knowledge base article.
LeadState Specifies the possible states for a lead.
LetterState Specifies the possible states for a letter.
ListState Specifies the possible states for a list.
LogicalOperator Specifies the possible values for an operator in a FilterExpression.
OpportunityCloseState Specifies the possible states for an opportunity close activity.
OpportunityState Specifies the possible states for an opportunity.
OrderCloseState Specifies the possible states for an order close activity.
OrderType Specifies the possible values for the order type in an OrderExpression.
PhoneCallState Specifies the possible states for a phone call.
PriceLevelState Specifies the possible states for a price level.
PrivilegeDepth Specifies the possible values for the depth of a privilege within a role.
ProductState Specifies the possible states for a product.
PropagationOwnershipOptions Specifies the possible values for propagation ownership options.
QuoteCloseState Specifies the possible states for a quote close activity.
QuoteState Specifies the possible states for a quote.
RelationshipRoleState Specifies the possible states for a relationship role.
RollupType Specifies the possible values for the rollup type.
RouteType Specifies the possible values for route type.
SalesOrderState Specifies the possible states for a sales order.
SearchDirection Specifies the possible values for the search direction in an appointment request.
SecurityPrincipalType Specifies the possible values for a security principal.
ServiceAppointmentState Specifies the possible states for a service appointment.
SubCode Specifies the possible values for a subcode.
SystemUserState Specifies the possible states for a system user.
TargetFieldType Specifies the field type for the target of the InitializeFrom message.
TaskState Specifies the possible states for a task.
TimeCode Specifies the possible values for a timecode.
UserQueryState Specifies the possible states for a user query.
WFProcessInstanceState Specifies the possible states for a workflow process instance.
WFProcessState Specifies the possible states for a workflow process.

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