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Mounting or Dismounting Stores


A mounted store is a store that is operating normally and is available for user and administrator access. If the store is dismounted or offline, no users can access it and you may not be able to view or change all the store properties. Typically, Exchange mounts and dismounts stores automatically, if necessary. For example, if you move a store's database files to a new directory, the store will be dismounted automatically until the move is complete.

Under certain conditions, you may have to mount or dismount stores manually. For example, you can configure stores so that, if the server restarts, the store must be mounted manually. That way you can check the server for problems before allowing users to access the store again. For more information, see "Configuring Store Maintenance and Backup Options".

The Mount Store and Dismount Store commands are available in the Action menu for each store that appears in Exchange System Manager.


If you do not have permissions on a particular store, the store may appear to be dismounted in Exchange System Manager when it is actually running. This may occur if you are using a distributed administration model, with multiple administrative groups with separate administrators. Each administrator will only be able to interact with the stores in that administrator's own administrative group.