Create a Mail User
Applies to: Exchange Server 2010 SP3, Exchange Server 2010 SP2
Mail users are similar to mail contacts. Both have external e-mail addresses and both contain information about people outside your Exchange Server 2010 organization that can be displayed in the global address list (GAL) and other address lists. However, unlike a mail contact, a mail user has Active Directory logon credentials and can access resources.
Looking for other management tasks related to mail users? Check out Managing Mail Contacts and Mail Users.
If you want to create a mail user in a domain that is different than the one in which your Exchange servers reside, you must first prepare that domain for Exchange 2010. To learn more about preparing a domain for Exchange 2010, see Prepare Active Directory and Domains.
Use the EMC to create a mail user
Use the Shell to create a mail user
You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions you need, see the "Mail users" entry in the Mailbox Permissions topic.
In the console tree, click Recipient Configuration.
In the action pane, click New Mail User.
On the Introduction page, select the type of user that you want to create or mail-enable.
New user This button is selected by default. Click this button to create a new user account for the mail user. This allows you to provision the user account and mail-enable it simultaneously.
If you click this button, you'll need to provide the required user account information on the User Information page of this wizard.
Existing user Click this button to mail-enable an existing user account in Active Directory. Click Browse to open the Select User dialog box. This dialog box displays a list of user accounts in the forest that aren't mail-enabled or don't have Exchange mailboxes. Select the user account you want, and then click OK to return to the wizard.
If you selected New User in Step 3, complete the following fields on the User Information page. Otherwise skip to Step 5:
Specify the organizational unit rather than using a default one Select this check box to select an organizational unit (OU) other than the default (which is the recipient scope). If the recipient scope is set to the forest, the default value is set to the Users container in the Active Directory domain that contains the computer on which the Exchange Management Console is running. If the recipient scope is set to a specific domain, the Users container in that domain is selected by default. If the recipient scope is set to a specific OU, that OU is selected by default. To select a different OU, click Browse to open the Select Organizational Unit dialog box. This dialog box displays all OUs in the forest that are within the specified scope. Select the desired OU, and then click OK. To learn more about recipient scopes, see Understanding Recipient Scope.
First name Use this box to type the user's first name. This field is optional.
Initials Use this box to type the user's middle initials. This field is optional.
Last name Use this box to type the user's last name. This field is optional.
Name Use this box to type a name for the user. This is the name that's listed in Active Directory. By default, this box is populated with the names you enter in the First name, Initials, and Last name boxes. If you didn't use those boxes, you must still type a name in this field. The name can't exceed 64 characters.
User logon name (User Principal Name) Use this box to type the name that the user will use to log on to the mailbox. The user logon name consists of a user name and a suffix. Typically, the suffix is the domain name in which the user account resides. This name can't exceed 1,024 characters and must be unique in the forest.
User logon name (pre-Windows 2000) Use this box to type the name for the user that is compatible with the legacy versions of Microsoft Windows (prior to the release of Windows 2000 Server). This field is automatically populated based on the User logon name (User Principal Name) field. This name can't exceed 20 characters and must not contain any of the following characters: \/ []:|<> + = ; ? , *.
Password Use this box to type the password for the user.
Make sure that the password you supply complies with the password length, complexity, and history requirements of the domain in which you are creating the user account.
Confirm password Use this box to confirm the password that you typed in the Password box.
User must change password at next logon Select this check box if you want the user to reset the password when they first logon to the mailbox.
If you select this check box, at first logon, the new user will be prompted with a dialog box in which to change the password. The user won't be allowed to perform any tasks until the password is successfully changed.
On the Mail Settings page, complete the following fields:
Alias Use this text box to type the alias of the user. The alias can't exceed 64 characters and must be unique in the forest.
External e-mail address To specify the external e-mail address, perform one of the following tasks:
To specify a SMTP e-mail address, click Edit. In the SMTP address dialog box, type the SMTP e-mail address.
Exchange validates SMTP addresses for proper formatting. If your entry is inconsistent with the SMTP format, an error message will be displayed when you click OK.
To specify a custom e-mail address, click the arrow next to Edit, and then click Custom Address. In the Custom Address dialog box, use the E-mail address box to type the e-mail address and the E-mail type box to specify the e-mail type. For example, you can specify an X.400, GroupWise, or Lotus Notes address.
On the New Mail User page, review your configuration settings. To make changes, click Back. To create the new mail user, click New. Click Cancel to close the wizard without creating the new mail contact.
On the Completion page, review the following, and then click Finish to close the wizard:
A status of Completed indicates that the wizard completed the task successfully.
A status of Failed indicates that the task wasn't completed. If the task fails, review the summary for an explanation, and then click Back to make any configuration changes.
You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions you need, see the "Mail users" entry in the Mailbox Permissions topic.
This example creates the mail user Ted Bremer with the external e-mail address
New-MailUser -Name Ted -FirstName Ted -LastName Bremer -ExternalEmailAddress -UserPrincipalName -Password Pass@word1
Configure Mail User Properties
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