How to Set Up SSL on a Server
The first step in configuring SSL, is to configure the Web site or file that you want to protect to require SSL. You do this using IIS Manager.
This step is just one part of configuring SSL. For an overview to the procedures you must follow to configure SSL, see "How to Use SSL to Secure the Communications Between the Client Messaging Applications and the Exchange Front-End Server" in the Exchange Server 2003 Client Access Guide.
Before you perform this procedure, you must read "Using Secure Sockets Layer" in "Securing Your Exchange Messaging Environment" in the Exchange Server 2003 Client Access Guide.
You must be a member of the Administrators group on the local computer to perform the following procedure, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority. As a security best practice, log on to your computer using an account that is not in the Administrators group, and then use the Run as command to run Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager as an administrator. At the command prompt, type the following command: runas /user:administrative_accountname "mmc%systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\iis.msc"
In IIS Manager, expand the local computer, and then expand the Web Sites folder. Right-click the Web site or file that you want to protect with SSL, and then click Properties.
Under Web site identification, click Advanced.
In the Advanced Web site identification box, under Multiple identities for this Web site, verify that the Web site IP address is assigned to port 443 (the default port for secure communications), and then click OK. Optionally, to configure more SSL ports for this Web site, click Add under Multiple identities of this Web site, and then click OK.
On the Directory Security tab, under Secure communications, click Edit.
In the Secure Communications box, select the Require secure channel (SSL) check box.