How to Rename a Routing Group


You might have to rename a routing group if you are consolidating routing groups or expanding a routing group to include more regions and want to change the name to reflect the new membership.

If any servers in a routing group are bridgehead servers for an X.400 connector, make sure that no messages are in the Exchange message transfer agent (MTA) queue. Messages are submitted to this queue if they are destined for an X.400 system or an Exchange 5.5 server. If messages are in the Exchange MTA queue when you rename a routing group, wait 15 minutes for Exchange to apply these changes, and then restart the Microsoft Exchange MTA Stacks service. Messages in other queues are not affected when you rename a routing group.

You can use Queue Viewer to verify that no messages are in the Exchange MTA queue. The following figure shows the Exchange MTA queue with no messages.

Exchange MTA queue in Queue Viewer



To rename a routing group

  • In Exchange System Manager, right-click the routing group, click Rename, and then type a new name for the group.