How to Create a Windows Backup Set


This topic explains how to create a Microsoft Windows backup set.

A Windows backup set is used to backup Windows, including System State data. A Windows backup does not include applications, such as Exchange or application data, such as mailbox data.

Before You Begin

Before you perform the procedure in this topic, make sure that you read Data to Exclude from Windows Backup Sets or Full Computer Backup Sets.


To create a Windows backup set

  1. Start Backup in Advanced Mode.

    For detailed instructions, see the following procedures:

  2. Select the Backup tab. In the console tree, select the check box next to the drive letter (or letters) for your boot partition and system partition, and then select the check box next to System State.

    Selecting a System State backup


  3. Clear the check boxes that are next to anything that you do not want to back up. Remember that a Windows backup set should not include Exchange. Navigate to the Exchsrvr folder (by default, <drive>:\Program Files\Exchsrvr), and then clear the check boxes under Exchsrvr and any other applications that you do not want to back up.

    Clear the check box that is next to Exchange


    The check box next to Exchsrvr appears dimmed, which indicates that some files in the Exchsrvr node will not be backed up. The check symbol remains in the check box although there is nothing selected for backup in that node. To confirm that you will not back up any part of Exchange, make sure that all check boxes under Exchsrvr are cleared as shown in the above figure.


    Do not select the drives or folders that are listed as exceptions in the topic Data to Exclude from Windows Backup Sets or Full Computer Backup Sets.

  4. In the Backup destination list, perform one of the following steps:

    • Select File if you want to back up files and folders to a file. If a tape device is not installed on your computer, this option is selected by default and cannot be changed.

    • Select a tape device if you want to back up files and folders to a tape.

  5. Select Browse to select the location and file name for your backup.

  6. Click Start Backup.

  7. In Backup Job Information, in the Backup description text box, type a backup description, set the appropriate options, and then click Start Backup. For more information about how to set the options for the backup, see Selecting Options for a Backup.

  8. After the backup is completed, verify that it was successful. For more information about how to verify the success of a backup, see Checking the Success of a Completed Backup.

For More Information

For more information about creating Windows backup sets, see Creating Windows Backup Sets.