Install the Exchange 2010 Management Tools
Applies to: Exchange Server 2010 SP3, Exchange Server 2010 SP2
With the Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 management tools, you can configure and manage your Exchange organization remotely. This topic explains how you can either use Setup.exe or unattended setup mode to install the Exchange 2010 management tools.
You can install the Exchange 2010 management tools on the following Windows operating systems:
Windows 7
Windows Vista with Service Pack 2 (SP2)
Windows Server 2008 SP2
Windows Server 2008 R2
For more information about managing Exchange 2010, see Exchange Management Console and Exchange Management Shell.
You must ensure that each of your servers meets the appropriate prerequisites and system requirements before you begin your installation. For more information, see Exchange 2010 Prerequisites and Exchange 2010 System Requirements.
After you install Exchange 2010 on a server, you must not change the server name. Renaming a server after you have installed an Exchange 2010 server role is not supported.
Log on to the server on which you want to install the Exchange 2010 management tools on, using a domain account that has local administrative privileges.
Insert the Exchange 2010 DVD into the DVD drive. When the AutoPlay dialog appears, click Run Setup.exe under Install or run program. If the AutoPlay dialog doesn't appear, navigate to the root of the DVD and double-click Setup.exe. Alternatively, browse to the location of your Exchange 2010 installation files and double-click Setup.exe.
The Exchange Server 2010 Setup welcome screen appears. In the Install section, the software listed for Step 1: Install .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and Step 2: Install Windows PowerShell v2 was installed with the Exchange 2010 prerequisites. If these prerequisites aren't already installed, click the appropriate step to install them.
When Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3 are listed as Installed, click Step 4: Install Microsoft Exchange.
After your installation is complete, you can return to complete Step 5: Get critical updates for Microsoft Exchange.
In the Exchange 2010 Setup wizard, on the Introduction page, click Next.
On the License Agreement page, select I accept the terms in the license agreement, and then click Next.
On the Error Reporting page, select whether you want to enable or disable Exchange Error Reporting feature, and then click Next.
On the Installation Type page, click Custom Exchange Server Installation. If you want to change the path for the Exchange 2010 installation, click Browse, locate the appropriate folder in the folder tree, and then click OK. Click Next.
On the Server Role Selection page, select Management Tools.
Management Tools only installation
If this is the first Exchange 2010 server in your organization, on the Exchange Organization page, type a name for your Exchange organization. The Exchange organization name can contain only the following characters:
A through Z
a through z
0 through 9
Space (not leading or trailing)
Hyphen or dash
The organization name can't contain more than 64 characters. The organization name can't be blank. If the organization name contains spaces, you must enclose it in quotation marks.
On the Readiness Checks page, view the status to determine if the organization and other prerequisite checks completed successfully. If they have not completed successfully, you must resolve any reported errors before you can install Exchange 2010. You don't need to exit Setup when resolving some of the prerequisite errors. After resolving a reported error, click Retry to re-run the prerequisite check. Be sure to also review any warnings that are reported. If all readiness checks have completed successfully, click Install to install the Exchange 2010 management tools.
On the Completion page, click Finish.
Insert the Exchange 2010 DVD into the DVD drive, and then at the command prompt navigate to the DVD drive, or navigate to the network location of the Exchange 2010 installation files.
At the command prompt, run the following command. /R:MT
For more information, see Install Exchange 2010 in Unattended Mode.
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