Upgrade Exchange 2003 Auto Accept Agent-Based Resource Mailboxes to Exchange 2007
[This is pre-release documentation and subject to change in future releases. This topic's current status is: Writing Not Started.]
This topic explains how to upgrade Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Auto Accept agent-based resource mailboxes to Exchange Server 2007. A resource mailbox is a mailbox that represents conference rooms and company equipment. Resource mailboxes are used for conference room or equipment scheduling. The Auto Accept agent is an Exchange store event sink that automatically processes meeting requests for resource mailboxes. In Exchange 2003, you needed to use the Auto Accept agent for resource mailboxes. Because Exchange 2007 supports automatic booking for resource mailboxes, the Auto Accept agent is not required.
Upgrading Exchange 2003 Auto Accept agent-based resource mailboxes to Exchange 2007 involves three steps:
- Unregister the Exchange 2003 Auto Accept agent-based resource mailboxes from the Exchange 2003 store.
- Move the resource mailboxes from the Exchange 2003 server to an Exchange 2007 server that has the Mailbox server role installed.
- Convert the Exchange 2003 Auto Accept agent-based mailbox to an Exchange 2007 room mailbox.
To perform this procedure, the account you use must be delegated the following:
- Exchange Server Administrators group
- Membership in the local Administrators group
For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Exchange 2007, see Important: Update for Permissions in Exchange 2010.
To upgrade Exchange 2003 Auto Accept agent-based resource mailboxes to Exchange 2007
To unregister the Exchange 2003 Auto Accept agent-based resource mailboxes from the Exchange 2003 store, from a Command Prompt window on your Exchange 2003 computer, run the following unregister resource mailbox script (
RegisterMailbox.vbs /u
):Command Prompt> cscript RegisterMailbox.vbs /u /m:"Room2@Fabrikam.Contoso.com"
This script is located in the Auto Accept agent installation directory (usually %Program Files%\Exchsrvr\Agents\AutoAccept).
Use the Exchange Management Shell or the Exchange Management Console to move the Auto Accept agent-based resource mailboxes from the Exchange 2003 server to an Exchange 2007 server that has the Mailbox server role installed. For detailed instructions, see the following topics:
Moving an Exchange 2003 resource mailbox to an Exchange 2007 server in another forest is not supported.
Convert the Exchange 2003 Auto Accept agent-based mailbox to an Exchange 2007 room mailbox. To do this, run the following command:
Set-Mailbox -Identity ConferenceRoom1 -Type Room
To set the new Exchange 2007 resource mailbox to Auto Accept, run the following command:
Set-MailboxCalendarSettings -Identity TedBremer -AutomateProcessing AutoAccept
You cannot use this method to convert to an Exchange 2007 mailbox if the mailbox is a linked mailbox. For more information, see Disable-Mailbox and Connect-Mailbox.
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Set-MailboxCalendarSettings.
To learn more about resource mailboxes in Exchange 2007, see Understanding Recipients.
For more information about managing resource mailboxes in Exchange 2007, see Managing Resource Mailboxes.