How to Install System Center Essentials 2010 on a Single Server
Applies To: System Center Essentials 2010
To deploy System Center Essentials 2010 in your environment, you must first install the server components on your designated Essentials management server.
The use of the System Preparation tool (Sysprep.exe) to deploy a disk image that contains Essentials 2010 to a virtual machine is not supported. To install Essentials 2010 on a virtual machine, use the Setup program as described in this section of the Deployment Guide, or use a command prompt as described in How to Use a Command Prompt to Install System Center Essentials 2010.
Essentials 2010 is designed to be easily installed and configured, and to let you start managing objects quickly. After you install Essentials 2010, use the links on the Overview pages to guide you through the deployment of objects and the configuration of software and update management.
Designate a server as the Essentials management server. The designated server must meet all software and hardware requirements. For detailed information about these requirements, see System Requirements and Supported Platforms for System Center Essentials 2010.
Insert the product CD into the CD drive.
Run SetupSCE.exe from the root of the CD.
For additional information about installing Essentials 2010 from a network share, see Troubleshooting Your Initial Essentials Setup and Configuration.
After the System Center Essentials 2010 Setup Wizard opens, click Release Notes to read important information that might be needed during deployment, and then click Install to begin installing Essentials.
See System Center Essentials 2010 Release Notes ( to access the release notes if you are not on the Setup Wizard page.
Select the Get the latest updates to System Center Essentials 2010 check box if you want to check for product updates.
On the Product Registration page, enter your product key, if needed, and then click Next.
On the License Agreement page, read the license agreement, select the check box to accept the agreement, and then click Next.
If the server on which you are installing Essentials 2010 meets the appropriate hardware and software requirements, Setup makes additional components available for install. Select the Essentials components that you want to install, and then click Next.
Essentials 2010 Setup checks your environment for the hardware and software prerequisites required to install Essentials and selected components and prompts you to review those prerequisites that do not meet minimum requirements. After resolving potential system requirement issues, click Next.
Essentials 2010 uses a database server instance to host the databases that store data used by Essentials. Select the option to use a local database instance, or select the option to find remote database servers in your environment that Essentials 2010 can use for this purpose, and then click Next.
If you select the option to install SQL Server 2008 Express Edition during setup, Essentials 2010 determines the location in which to install SQL Server. If you want to install SQL Server to a different location, you have to install it manually.
If you selected the Reporting feature, you are required to specify a SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services instance for Essentials Reporting. Only local instances of SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services that are supported by Essentials 2010 are available to be selected. Select a Reporting Services instance and specify a specific URL to the reporting server if the instance is configured with more than one URL, and then click Next.
Essentials 2010 requires an instance of SQL Server Reporting Services that is not shared with other applications. If an existing instance of SQL Server Reporting Services is selected during the Essentials 2010 installation, any reports that are already published on that instance will be deleted.
Select where Essentials 2010 should store program files. In the Software Files and Update Files section, either enter a path to store software and update files locally or download updates individually to each managed computer from Microsoft Update. Click Next to continue.
If you selected to install the Virtualization Management feature, enter the file location for storing related files, and then click Next.
Type the user name, password, and domain of a user with administrative credentials on managed computers and on the designated Essentials management server to perform management tasks, such as deploying software or updates, and then click Next.
Select whether to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program, Error Reporting, and Operational Data Reporting, and then click Next.
Review the Installation Summary page. Click Previous to go back and make changes, or click Install to begin installing Essentials 2010.
Essentials 2010 displays the progress during installation. Select the check box if you want to start the Essentials console after the Setup Wizard closes.
To connect to the Essentials database instance in SQL Server Management Studio after the Essentials 2010 installation is complete, select the database instance name you chose during installation. If Essentials 2010 installed SQL Server, it is <computer name>\Essentials in the Connect to Server dialog box.
Firewall Exceptions for System Center Essentials 2010
Troubleshooting Your Initial Essentials Setup and Configuration
System Requirements and Supported Platforms for System Center Essentials 2010
Supported Topologies and Performance Guidance for System Center Essentials 2010